
Research Interests
Teichmüller theory
Groups with hyperbolic features
Papers and Preprints

3. Sigma-compactness of Morse boundary in Morse local-to-global groups and applications to stationary measures [pdf]
    (with Davide Spriano, Stefanie Zbinden)

2.  Random walks on groups and superlinear divergent geodesics  [pdf]
    (with Kunal Chawla, Inhyeok Choi, Kasra Rafi)

1. Equivalent topologies on the contracting boundary  [pdf]
    Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 58(78)(2023), 75 – 83.


(Lack of) Stationary Measure on the Morse boundary
Jul 2024 CMI-HIMR Summer School (Lightning Talk), University of Bristol
Expository Talk: CAT(0) Cube Complexes from Sageev's Construction
Random walks on groups and superlinear divergent geodesics
Jul 2024 Algebra, Geometry, and Topology Seminar, Heriot-Watt University
Mar 2024 Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference, University of North Carolina
Mar 2024 Topology Seminar, Brandeis University
Jan 2024 Dynamics Seminar, University of Toronto (slides)
Dec 2023 Graduate Student Seminar, University of Toronto
Nov 2023 Grad Student Lecture Series, University of Buffalo
Nov 2023 Hyperbolic Lunch Seminar, University of Toronto
Oct 2023 Wasatch Topology Conference (Lightning Talk), University of Utah (slides)
Generalizing the Gromov Boundary
May 2023 Pure Math Seminar, Xi'an Jaiotong-Liverpool University
Mar 2023 Geometry, Topology, Dynamics Grad Student Seminar, University of Utah
Dec 2022 Tech Topology Conference (Lightning Talk), Georgia Institute of Technology (slides)
Aug 2022 Geometric Topology Grad and Postdoc Seminar, virtual
Jul 2022 Hyperbolic Lunch Seminar, University of Toronto


Course Instructor MAT136 -  Integral Calculus, Summer 2024, Fall 2024

TA MAT199 - ​Aha! Mathematical Discovery and Creative Problem Solving, Winter 2024
TA MAT157 - Analysis I, Fall 2023 & Winter 2024
TA MAT224 - Linear Algebra II, Summer 2023
TA MAT332 - Introduction to Graph Theory, Fall 2022
TA MAT133 - ​Calculus and Linear Algebra for Commerce, Summer 2022
TA MAT315 - Introduction to Number Theory, Fall 2021
TA MAT137 - Calculus with Proofs, Winter 2021
TA Math Learning Center, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Fall 2022
TA MAT136 - Integral Calculus, Winter 2020, Winter 2021
TA MAT135 - Differential Calculus, Fall 2019, Fall 2020
Grader MATc15 - Introduction to Number Theory, Winter 2022

Mentor MGSA Directed Reading Program, Winter 2024
I mentored a group of 4 undergraduate students on the topic of introduction of geometric group theory.

Counselor Ross Mathematics Program, Summer 2017, 2018
I was a counselor leading a group of 5 highschool students through the proof-based camp in number theory. 

Things I organize