Alexander Nabutovsky

NABUTOVSKY, A. (Professor)
Department of Mathematics
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
Tel: (416) 978-3321
Fax: (416) 978-4107

[R]esearch: Global Riemannian Geometry, quantitative and algorithmic aspects of Topology of Manifolds.


  1. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Linear bounds for lengths of geodesic segments on Riemannian 2-spheres, submitted for publication.
  2. Yevgeny Liokumovich, Alexander Nabutovsky, Regina Rotman Contracting the boundary of a Riemannian $2$-disc, submitted for publication.
  3. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Length of geodesics and quantitative Morse theory on loops spaces, accepted for publication in Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA)
  4. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Linear bounds for lengths of geodesic loops on Riemannian 2-spheres, J. of Differential Geom. 89(2011), 217-232.
  5. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Lengths of simple periodic geodesics on two-dimensional Riemannian spheres, J. of Topology and Analysis, 3(2011), 423-432.
  6. Alexander Nabutovsky Morse landscapes of Riemannian functionals and related problems, Proceedings of ICM-2010, vol. 2, 862-881, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2010.
  7. Alexander Nabutovsky Effective universal coverings and local minima of the length functional on loop spaces, Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA) 20(2010), 545-570.
  8. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Short geodesic segments between two points on a closed Riemannian manifold, Geom. Funct. Anal (GAFA) 19(2009), 498-519.
  9. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Length of geodesics on a two-dimensional sphere, American J. Math. 131(2009), 545-569.
  10. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman The length of the second shortest geodesic, Comment. Math. Helv. 84(2009), 747-755.
  11. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Shapes of geodesic nets, Geometry and Topology 11(2007), 1225-1254.
  12. Alexander Nabutovsky and Shmuel Weinberger Betti numbers of finitely presented groups and very rapidly growing functions, Topology 46(2007), 211-233.
  13. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Lengths of geodesics between two fixed points on a Riemannian manifold, ERA of the AMS, 13(2007), 13-20.
  14. Alexander Nabutovsky Combinatorics of the space of Riemannian structures and logic phenomena of Euclidean Quanum Gravity, in ``Perspectives in Riemannian Geometry", ed. by V. Apostolov et al., CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, vol. 40, 223-248, AMS, Providence, RI, 2006..
  15. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Curvature-free upper bounds for the smallest area of a minimal surface, Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA), 16:2(2006), 453-475..
  16. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman The minimal length of a non-trivial geodesic net on a closed Riemannian manifold with non-trivial second homology group, Geom. Dedicata 113(2005), 243-254.
  17. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Volume, diameter and the minimal mass of a stationary 1-cycle, Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA), 14(2004), 748-790. .
  18. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman Upper bounds for the length of the shortest closed geodesic and quantitative Hurewicz theorem, J. of the Europ.Math.Soc.(JEMS) 5(2003), 203-244.
  19. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman The minimal area of an embedded minimal 2-sphere in a manifold diffeomorphic to S^3, IMRN 2003(2003), 39, 2121-2129..
  20. Alexander Nabutovsky and Shmuel Weinberger The fractal nature of Riem/Diff I, Geom. Dedicata 101(2003), 1-54..
  21. Alexander Nabutovsky and Regina Rotman The length of the shortest closed geodesic on a two-dimensional sphere, IMRN, 23(2002), 1211-1222.
  22. Alexander Nabutovsky and Shmuel Weinberger Variational problems for Riemannian functionals and arithmetic groups, Publications d'IHES, 92(2000), 5-62.
  23. Alexander Nabutovsky and Shmuel Weinberger Algorithmic aspects of homeomorphism problems, Contemp. Math. 231(1999), 245-250.
  24. Alexander Nabutovsky and Shmuel Weinberger Algorithmic unsolvability of the triviality problem for multidimensional knots, Comm. Math Helv. 71(1996), 423-434.
  25. Alexander Nabutovsky Disconnectedness of sublevel sets of some Riemannian functionals, GAFA 6(4)(1996), 703-725.
  26. Alexander Nabutovsky Geometry of the space of triangulations of a compact manifold, Comm.Math.Phys. 181(1996), 303-330.
  27. Alexander Nabutovsky Fundamental group and contractible closed geodesics, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 49(12)(1996), 1257-1270.
  28. Alexander Nabutovsky Einstein structures: existence versus uniqueness, GAFA 5(1)(1995), 76-91.
  29. Alexander Nabutovsky Non-recursive functions, knots "with thick ropes" and self-clenching "thick" hyperspheres, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 48(1995), 381-428.
  30. Alexander Nabutovsky and Radel Ben-Av Non-computability arising in dynamical triangulation model of four-dimensional quantum gravity, Comm. Math. Phys. 157(1993), 1, 93-08.
  31. Alexander Nabutovsky Number of solutions with a norm bounded by a given constant of a semilinear elliptic PDE with a generic right-hand side, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 332(1992), 135-166.
  32. Alexander Nabutovsky Smoothing of real algebraic hypersurfaces by rigid isotopies, Ann. Inst. Fourier(Grenoble), 41(1991), 11-25.
  33. Alexander Nabutovsky Isotopies and non-recursive functions in real algebraic geometry, in Real Analytic and Algebraic Geometry, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1420, Springer, 1990, 194-205.
  34. Alexander Nabutovsky Non-recursive functions in real algebraic geometry, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 20(1989), 61-65.
  35. A. Nabutovsky Irrationality of limits of quickly convergent algebraic number sequences, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 102(1988), 473-479.

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