Robert J. McCann

Canada Research Chair in Mathematics, Economics and Physics

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Courses Offered 2020-21:
MAT 1060HF Partial Differential Equations 1
MAT 1502HS Optimal Transport, Geometry and Dynamics (Topics in Geometric Analysis)

Research Interests:
- mathematical physics and mathematical economics
- convex analysis, geometry and optimization
- partial differential equations

Analysis / Applied Math / PDE Seminar
Fields Applied Mathematics Colloquium

Professor Robert J. McCann, FRSC
Department of Mathematics
University of Toronto Bahen Centre
40 St George St Room 6290
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2E4
Office: (416) 978-4658
FAX: 978-4107
E-mail: mccann -at- math -dot- toronto -dot- edu
Office location: Room BA 6124

Last modified on Wednesday January 29, 2019
Comments and questions to mccann -at- math -dot- toronto -dot- edu @