Topics in Mathematics: Number Theory - MAT382H1S


The course does not have any formal textbook, but we will largely be following An Introduction to The Theory of Numbers by Niven-Zuckerman-Montgomery.

Grading and TA  

The course will have a final exam, worth 40%, and a mid-term worth 30%. There will also be 6 homework assignments, worth 5% each. The assignments will be posted below. The TA for this course is John Enns (j.n.enns AT  

Office Hours 

Office hours will be held on Mondays from 1:30-2:30, in the Huron building, office 1001B. 


Homework set 1: Due January 29,2018

Homework set 2: Due February 12,2018

Homework set 3: Due February 26,2018

Solutions to Homework set 3

Homework set 4: Due March 12,2018

Homework set 5: Due April 4,2018

Homework set 6: Due April 16,2018

Exams and Midterms 

Mid-Term: SS 1070, March-01-2018, 5-7 PM

Midterm Practise Problems


Midterm Solutions

Exam Review Questions