Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto

2006-2007 Graduate Course Descriptions


MAT 1000YY (MAT 457Y1Y)
G. Forni
  1. Lebesgue integration, measure theory, convergence theorems, the Riesz representation theorem, Fubini’s theorem, complex measures.
  2. Lp-spaces, density of continuous functions, Hilbert space, weak and strong topologies, integral operators.
  3. Inequalities.
  4. Bounded linear operators and functionals. Hahn-Banach theorem, open-mapping theorem, closed graph theorem, uniform boundedness principle.
  5. Schwartz space, introduction to distributions, Fourier transforms on the circle and the line (Schwartz space and L2 ).
  6. Spectral theorem for bounded normal operators.
G.B. Folland: Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and their Applications, Wiley Interscience, 1999.

H.L. Royden: Real Analysis, Macmillan, 1988.
A.N. Kolmogorov and S.V. Fomin: Introductory Real Analysis, 1975.
W. Rudin: Real and Complex Analysis, 1987.
K. Yosida: Functional Analysis, Springer, 1965.

MAT 1001HS (MAT 454H1S)
E. Bierstone

  1. Review of elementary properties of holomorphic functions. Cauchy's integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, residue calculus.
  2. Harmonic functions. Poisson's integral formula and Dirichlet's problem.
  3. Conformal mapping, Riemann mapping theorem.
  4. Analytic continuation, monodromy theorem, little Picard theorem.
L. Ahlfors: Complex Analysis, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966.
H. Cartan: Elementary theory of analytic functions of one or several complex variables, Dover.
W. Rudin: Real and Complex Analysis, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974.

MAT 1060HF
R. McCann

This course is a basic introduction to partial differential equations. It is meant to be accessible to beginners with little or no prior knowledge of the field. It is also meant to introduce beautiful ideas and techniques which are part of most analysts' basic bag of tools.

Some topics to be covered:

  1. The Fourier Transform. Distributions.
  2. Sobolev spaces on Rn. Sobolev spaces on bounded domains. Weak solutions.
  3. Second order elliptic partial differential operators. The Laplace operator. Harmonic functions. Maximum principle. The Dirichlet and Neumann problems. The Lax-Milgram Lemma. Existence, uniqueness and eigenvalues. Green's functions. Single layer and double layer potentials.
  4. Hyperbolic partial differential equations. The wave equation. The Cauchy problem. Energy methods. Fundamental solutions. Domain of influence. Propagation of singularities.

Lawrence Evans: Partial Differential Equations

MAT 1061HS
J. Colliander

This course will consider a range of mostly nonlinear partial differential equations, including elliptic and parabolic PDE, as well as hyperbolic and other nonlinear wave equations. In order to study these equations, we will develop a variety of methods, including variational techniques, several fixed point theorems, and nonlinear semigroup theory. A recurring theme will be the relationship between variational questions, such as critical Sobolev exponents, and issues related to nonlinear evolution equations, such as finite-time blowup of solutions and/or long-time asymptotics.

The prerequisites for the course include familiarity with Sobolev and other function spaces, and in particular with fundamental embedding and compactness theorems.

MAT 1100YY
V. Blomer

  1. Linear Algebra. Students will be expected to have a good grounding in linear algebra, vector spaces, dual spaces, direct sum, linear transformations and matrices, determinants, eigenvectors, minimal polynomials, Jordan canonical form, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, symmetric, alternating and Hermitian forms, polar decomposition.
  2. Group Theory. Isomorphism theorems, group actions, Jordan-Hölder theorem, Sylow theorems, direct and semidirect products, finitely generated abelian groups, simple groups, symmetric groups, linear groups, nilpotent and solvable groups, generators and relations.
  3. Ring Theory. Rings, ideals, rings of fractions and localization, factorization theory, Noetherian rings, Hilbert basis theorem, invariant theory,Hilbert Nullstellensatz, primary decomposition, affine algebraic varieties.
  4. Modules. Modules and algebras over a ring, tensor products, modules over a principal ideal domain, applications to linear algebra, structure of semisimple algebras, application to representation theory of finite groups.
  5. Fields. Algebraic and transcendental extensions, normal and separable extensions, fundamental theorem of Galois theory, solution of equations by radicals.
Dummit and Foote: Abstract Algebra, 2nd Edition
Lang: Algebra, 3rd Edition.
Cohn: Basic Algebra

Other References:
Jacobson: Basic Algebra, Volumes I and II.
Lang: Algebra.
M. Artin: Algebra.

MAT 1300YY
L. Jeffrey

P. Selick

A selection of topics from:

  1. Set theory: Zorn's Lemma, axiom of choice, well-ordered sets, cardinals, ordinals
  2. Point set topology: Metric spaces, topological spaces, compactness, separation properties, connectedness, paracompactness, CW complexes
  3. Homotopy theory: homotopy, fundamental group, covering spaces, Van Kampen's theorem
  4. Homological algebra: categories and functors, chain complexes, homology, exact sequences, Snake Lemma, Mayer-Vietoris
  5. Homology theory: Eilenberg-Steenrod homology axioms; singular homology theory; cellular homology, cohomology, cup and cap products, applications of homology (Brouwer fixed-point theorem, vector fields on spheres, Jordan Curve Theorem), other homology theories (simplicial and Cech homology)
  6. Manifolds: classification of surfaces, de Rham cohomology, orientation, Poincare Duality
1. Munkres: "Topology"
2. Hatcher: "Algebraic Topology"

Other references:
1. Dugundji: "Topology"
2. Massey: "A basic course in algebraic topology"
3. Greenberg and Harper: "Algebraic Topology: a First Course"
4. Bott-Tu: "Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology"
5. Selick: "Introduction to homotopy theory"


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MAT 1194HF (MAT 449H1F)
G. Mikhalkin

In the title of this course the term "real" stands not only as a reference to the field of real numbers but also as a reference to the real (geometric) world. In this course in addition to real varieties we shall also treat complex varieties (and sometimes even varieties defined over some function fields), but we shall primarily focus on geometric aspects of algebraic geometry. We'll pay special attention to topology of real and complex algebraic varieties, in particular to the topics related to Hilbert's 16th problem and to vanishing cycles of complex singularities. We introduce the so-called "patchworking" technique for constructing real algebraic from simpler pieces. The patchworking serves as a link from this course to the second half-course "Tropical Geometry".

Prerequisites: acquaintance with some basic Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Topology. New Ph.D. students are welcome, especially if they like Geometry. Please contact the instructor.

MAT 1302HS (APM 461H1S/CSC 2413HS)
S. Tanny

We will cover a selection of topics in enumerative combinatorics, such as more advanced methods in recursions, an analysis of some unusual self-referencing recursions, binomial coefficients and their identities, some special combinatorial numbers and their identities (Fibonacci, Stirling, Eulerian), and a general approach to the theory of generating functions.

Linear algebra.

Recommended preparation:
an introductory combinatorics course, such as MAT 344H.

MAT 1340HF (MAT 425H1F)
A. Nabutovsky

Smooth manifolds, Sard's theorem and transversality. Morse theory. Immersion and embedding theorems. Intersection theory. Borsuk-Ulam theorem. Vector fields and Euler characteristic, Hopf degree theorem. Additional topics may vary.

Victor Guillemin and Alan Pollack, Differential Topology

Prerequisites: MAT 257Y (second year Analysis course), MAT 240H (second year Algebra course) and MAT 327H (introductory Topology course).

MAT 1342HS (MAT 464H1S)
J. Bland

Riemannian metrics and connections. Geodesics. Exponential map. Complete manifolds. Hopf-Rinow theorem. Riemannian curvature. Ricci and scalar curvature. Tensors. Spaces of constant curvature. Isometric immersions. Second fundamental form. Topics from: Cut and conjugate loci. Variation energy. Cartan-Hadamard theorem. Vector bundles.

Manfredo Perdigao de Carmo: Riemannian Geometry.
J. Cheeger, D. Ebin: Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry, Elsevier, 1975.

Prerequisite: Introductory differential geometry course such as MAT 363H.

MAT 1404HF (MAT 409H1F)
W. Weiss

We will introduce the basic principles of axiomatic set theory, leading to the undecidability of the continuum hypothesis. We will also explore those aspects of infinitary combinatorics most useful in applications to other branches of mathematics.

Prerequisite: an introductory real analysis course such as MAT 357H

W. Just and M. Weese: Discovering Modern Set Theory, I and II, AMS.
K. Kunen: Set Theory, Elsevier.

MAT 1508HS (APM 446H1S)
A. Burchard

Nonlinear partial differential equations and their physical origin. Fourier transform; Green's function; variational methods; symmetries and conservation laws. Special solutions (steady states, solitary waves, travelling waves, self-similar solutions). Calculus of maps; bifurcations; stability, dynamics near equilibrium. Propogation of nonlinear waves; dispersion, modulation, optical bistability. Global behaviour solutions; asymptotics and blow-up.


MAT 1700HS (APM 426H1S)
P. Blue

Special relativity. The geometry of Lorentz manifolds. Gravity as a manifestation of spacetime curvature. Einstein's equation. Cosmological consequences: the big bang and inflationary universe. Schwarschild stars: the bending of light and perihelion procession of Mercury. Black hole dynamics. Gravitational waves.

Thorough knowledge of linear algebra and multivariable calculus. Some familiarity with partial differential equations, topology, differential geometry, and/or physics will prove helpful.

R. Wald, General Relativity, University of Chicago Press

MAT 1723HF (APM 421H1F)
I. M. Sigal

The goal of this course is to explain key concepts of Quantum Mechanics and to arrive quickly to some topics which are at the forefront of active research, such as Bose-Einstein condensation, control of chemical reactions and quantum information. We will try to be as self-contained as possible and rigorous whenever the rigour is instructive. Whenever the rigorous treatment is prohibitively time-consuming we give an idea of the proof, if such exists, and/or explain the mathematics involved without providing all the details.

Prerequisites for this course: some familiarity with elementary ordinary and partial differential equations and elementary theory of functions and operators.


S. Gustafson and I. M. Sigal, Mathematical Concepts of Quantum Mechanics, Springer
A. S. Holevo, Probabilistic and Statistical Aspects of Quantum Theory, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North Holland.

MAT 1856HS (APM 466H1S)
P. Olivares

Introduction to the basic mathematical techniques in pricing theory and risk management: Stochastic calculus, single-period finance, financial derivatives (tree-approximation and Black-Scholes model for equity derivatives, American derivatives, numerical methods, lattice models for interest-rate derivatives), value at risk, credit risk, portfolio theory.


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JEB 1433HS
A. Nachman

This course will focus on Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging. It will be accessible to beginning graduate students; topics and individual projects will be tailored to the background and interests of the class.

Topics will be chosen from among the following:

  • The multidimensional Fourier transform. Reconstruction from Fourier transform samples, Nyquist's theorem, Poisson summation.
  • The Radon transform. Reconstruction from Radon transform samples.
  • How does MRI work? The Bloch Equation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging; connection to the analytic development of the Inverse Scattering Transform (also used in the exact solution of integrable nonlinear partial differential equations).
  • Current Density Impedance Imaging.
  • (time permitting) Partial differential equations techniques for Ultrasound Imaging and Terahertz Tomography.
  • Texts:
    "Mathematics of Medical Imaging", Charles L. Epstein, Prentice Hall, 2003.
    "Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a Signal Processing Perspective", Zhi-Pei Liang and Paul C. Lauterbur, IEEE Press, 2000.

    Other reference:
    "Magnetic resonance imaging: Physical Principles & Sequence Design". EM Haake, BW Brown, MR Thompson, R Venkatesan, J Wiley 1999.

    Marking scheme: 75% project, 25% homework.

    MAT 1035HF
    M.-D. Choi

    This course is concerned with the basic aspects of C*-algebras. During the first half of the semester, the lectures will be devoted to a systematic investigation of the finite-dimensional case---namely, the theory of n \times n complex matrices. Through many simple concrete examples we may describe various phenomena arising from the interplay of normed structure, order structure and algebraic structure. Later in the semester, we will continue to explore more striking facts pertinent to the infinite-dimensional case. Based on the background of students, various topics of related interest will be pursued.

    MAT 1045HS
    G. Forni

    The course is an introduction to some of the basic notions and methods of the theory of dynamical systems. It covers notions of topological dynamics and ergodic theory such as minimality, topological transitivity, ergodicity, unique ergodicity, weak mixing and mixing. These notions will be explained by examining simple concrete examples of dynamical systems such as translations and automorphisms of tori, expanding maps of the interval, topological Markov chains, etc. Fundamental theorems of ergodic theory such as the Poincare recurrence theorem, the Von Neumann mean ergodic theorem and the Birkhoff ergodic theorem will be presented. Time permitting we will outline either entropy theory (topological entropy and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy) and/or the subadditive ergodic theorem, the theory of Lyapunov exponents and the Oseledets theorem (with examples).

    Prerequisites: Knowledge of real analysis, basic topology and measure theory. Some knowledge of functional analysis would be useful.

    MAT 1052HF
    M. Goldstein

    Waring's Problem. Weyl's Inequality. The Hardy-Littlewood Circle Method. Continued Fractions and Approximation by Rationals. Roth's Theorem.

    1. Natanson, M., Additive Number Theory,
    2. Montgomery, H., Ten Lectures on the Interface between Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis
    3. Schmidt, W., Diophantine Approximations

    Prerequisites: Introductory courses in complex analysis (e.g. MAT 354H) and real analysis (e.g. MAT 357H).

    MAT 1062HS
    C. Sulem

    GOAL: The goal is to introduce some basic numerical techniques for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The course is intended to students in Applied Mathematics and Engineering who wish to learn numerical methods useful for their research.

    1. Introduction: Interpolation and Approximation techniques. Numerical differentiation and integration
    2. ODEs: (a) Initial value problems. Euler's method, Predictor-Corrector, Runge-Kutta schemes. Convergence, consistency, stability. (b) Boundary value problems. Numerical solution of algebraic equations.
    3. PDEs: (a) Classification. (b) Parabolic equations: explicit/implicit methods. Stability. Convergence theory. Finite difference methods; Collocation and Spectral methods. (c) Hyperbolic equations: Method of characteristics. Elliptic equations.
    No prior knowledge is required although a basic undergraduate course in ODEs or/and PDEs would be useful.

    MAT 1103HF
    A. Khovanskii

    Galois Theory belongs to algebra. It is very understandable and has a lot of applications. For example it explains why algebraic equations are usually not solvable by means of radicals.

    About 30 years ago I constructed a topological version of Galois Theory for functions in one complex variable. According to it, there are topological restrictions on the way the Riemann surface of a function representable by radicals covers the complex plane. If the function does not satisfy these restrictions, then it is not representable by radicals. Beside its geometric clarity the topological results on nonsolvability are stronger than the algebraic results. They have a lot of generalizations.

    In the course I plan to present Galois Theory in details, to discuss topological results on nonsolvability by radical and their generalizations, to give an introduction to a multidimensional version of the theory.

    Some basic knowledge in complex analysis and in elementary algebra.

    MAT 1104HS
    G. Elliott

    The theory of algebras of operators in Hilbert space has a distinctly topological character, and in particular the K-theory of Atiyah and Hirzebruch is useful. Indeed, this theory finds its original roots (even before the work of Grothendieck in algebraic geometry) in the work of Murray and von Neumann that began the subject of operator algebras. What might be called the second-generation application of this tool to operator algebras, incorporating Bott periodicity (as formulated in terms of K-theory by Atiyah and Hirzebruch), has made it possible to study both the intrinsic structure and the classification of C*-algebras, and also to obtain generalizations of the index theorem of Atiyah and Singer.

    The spectral theorem

    M. Rordam, K-Theory for C*-Algebras
    H. Lin, An Introduction to the Classification of Amenable C*-Algebras
    A. Connes, Noncommutative Geometry

    MAT 1126HF
    B. Khesin

    Nonholonomic mechanics describes the geometry of systems subordinated to nonholonomic constraints, i.e systems whose restrictions on velocities do not arise from the constraints on the configuration space. The best known examples of such systems are a sliding skate and a rolling ball, as well as their numerous generalizations.

    We start with an introduction to the Euler-Lagrange equation and the Lagrange-d'Alambert principle. After defining Hamiltonian systems and their integrability we go through

    1. main nonholonomic examples (integrable and not);
    2. reduction of symmetries in nonholonomic mechanics;
    3. main concepts of the nonholonomic (i.e. sub-Riemannian) differential geometry: geometry of distributions, their curvatures, Carnot-Caratheodory metrics and their geodesics, singular geodesics;
    4. relation to geometric mechanics and control theory.
    1. A. M. Bloch "Nonholonomic mechanics and control" Interdisc. Appl. Math., vol.24. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003, 483 pp.
    2. R. Montgomery "A tour of subriemannian geometries, their geodesics and applications" Mathem. Surveys and Monographs, vol.91, AMS, Providence, RI, 2002, 259 pp.

    Prerequisite(s): Some knowledge of Hamiltonian systems/symplectic geometry or MAT 1051HF (MAT 468H1F) is helpful.

    MAT 1155HF
    S. Kudla

    This course will provide a basic introduction to algebraic geometry and the underlying commutative algebra. Topics will include:

    Basic reference:
    R. Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Chapter I.

    Additional references:
    W. Fulton, Algebraic curves: an introduction to algebraic geometry.
    D. Mumford, The red book of varieties and schemes. LN 1358
    _________, Algebraic geometry I: complex projective varieties.,

    Prerequisite: One year of algebra at a graduate level, e.g. MAT 1100Y.

    MAT 1191HS
    G. Mikhalkin

    This course is intended to introduce students to a recent technique in Algebraic Geometry based on application of the moment map and toric degenerations. One of the simplest examples of the moment map is the logarithm map that takes a point of the complex torus C*^n to the point in Rn obtained by taking the logarithm of the absolute value coordinatewise . The images of holomorphic subvarieties of C*n under this map are called amoebas.

    If one modifies this moment map by taking the logarithm with base t and lets t to go to infinity then the amoebas tend to some piecewise- linear polyhedral complexes in R^n. The dimension of these limiting complexes is equal to the dimension of the original varities. It turns out that such complexes can be considered as algebraic varieties over the so-called tropical semifield. The term "tropical semifield" appeared in Computer Science and, in the current context, refers to the real numbers augmented with the negative infinity and equipped with two operations, taking the maximum for addition and addition for multiplication.

    Polynomials over the tropical semifield are convex piecewise-linear functions and geometric objects associated to these polynomials are certain piecewise-linear complexes in Rn.

    In the course we consider applications of both the amoebas themselves and the resulting tropical geometry. One area where amoebas turn out to be useful is Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties, in particular, problems related to Hilbert's 16th problem. Using amoebas we show topological uniqueness of a homologically maximal curve in the real torus R*2 and deduce a partial topological description for hypersurfaces in R*n for n>2. Applications of tropical geometry include construction of real algebraic varieties with prescribed topology (patchworking) as well as enumerative geometry.

    A typical problem in enumerative algebraic geometry is to compute the number of curves of given degree and genus and with a given set of geometric constraints (e.g. passing through a point or another algebraic cycle, being tangent to such cycle, etc.). For a proper number of geometric constraints one expects a finite number of such curves. Even in the cases when this number is not finite there exists a way to interpret the answer to such problem as a (perhaps fractional or negative) Gromov-Witten number. Tropical geometry can be used for computation of these numbers. In this course we'll compute such numbers for arbitrary genus and degree when the ambient space is a toric surface and for genus 0 (and arbitrary degree) if the ambient space is a higher-dimensional toric variety. In addition we consider real counterparts of the enumerative problems, in particular, the Welschinger invariant, and do some computations for them.

    Prerequisites: MAT 1194HF (MAT 449H1F) or some basic knowlege of Topology and Geometry. Contact the instructor for permission.

    MAT 1197HF
    S. Arkhipov

    Below are the main topics to be covered in the course.

    1. Recollections: Borel subgroups and maximal tori in a semi-simple algebraic group G, the weight and root lattices of a given maximal torus T ⊂ G, combinatorics of the root system for T ⊂ B ⊂ G, the Weyl group W of G, the unipotent radical U ⊂ B.
    2. Finite dimensional representation theory of G: dominant weights, classification of finite dimensional representations of G, semi-simplicity.
    3. The actions of G on the set of Borel subgroups in G and on the set of maximal unipotent subgroups in G. The flag variety G/B and the base affine space G/U for G.
    4. Algebras of regular functions on G, G/U and G/B as representations of G.
    5. The action of a maximal torus T on G/B. Fixed points. Recollections: Morse theory. Schubert cells.
    6. Enumeration and description of the orbits of B-action on G/B. Bruhat decomposition. Schubert cells as B-orbits.
    7. Bruhat cell decomposition of the Flag variety G/B. Cohomology of G/B.
    8. Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand description of multiplication in the cohomology ring of G/B. G-equivariant, B-equivariant and T-equivariant cohomology of G/B.
    9. G-equivariant line bundles on G/B, classification, Borel-Weil-Bott theorem.
    10. Highest weight modules over the Lie algebra \mathfrak g. Verma and contragradient Verma modules.
    11. Kac-Weyl character formula for an irreducible representation of G: geometric proof.
    12. Cotangent bundle to the Flag variety T^*(G/B). Representation theory description. The nilpotent cone of \mathfrak g. Springer-Grothendieck map. Regular functions on T^*(G/B) and on the nilpotent cone.
    13. Conormal bundles to Schubert cells. Steinberg variety for G.
    14. Convolution in Borel-Moore homology of the Steinberg variety.
    Prerequisites.The following topics are prerequisites for the course: minimal knowledge of finite dimensional Representation Theory for a semi-simple group G (over complex numbers), singular homology and cohomology, basic Morse theory, a few definitions (like affine and projective varieties, line bundles etc.) from basic Algebraic Geometry.

    MAT 1210HF
    H. Kim

    This course is a continuation of MAT 1200H (Algebraic Number Theory). Consider the following


    The fact that e^{\pi\sqrt{163}} is so close to an integer has a beautiful explanation that involves class field theory and theory of elliptic curves with complex multiplication. In particular, it involves the concept of Hilbert class field, the maximal unramified abelian expansion whose Galois group is the class group. In this course, we will prove, among other things, the existence of Hilbert class fields. We will also study Artin L-functions, and its applications. If time permits, we will study explicit class field theory, namely, determining Hilbert class fields of imaginary quadratic fields using the theory of elliptic curves. We will use the modern exposition of using adeles and ideles.

    Main references:
    Algebraic Number Theory by S. Lang
    Analytic Number Theory by L. Goldstein

    Prerequisite: MAT 1200H (Algebraic Number Theory)

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    MAT 1303HF (CSC 2406HF)
    E. Mendelsohn

    Triple systems have their origins in algebraic geometry, statistics, and recreational mathematics. Although they are the simplest of combinatorial designs, the study of them encompasses most of the combinatorial, algebraic, and algorithmic techniques of combinatorial design theory.

    Topics to be covered: Fundamentals of design; existence of triple systems; enumeration; computational methods; isomorphism and invariants; configuration theory; chromatic invariants; resolvability; directed, Mendelsohn, and mixed triples sytems.

    Linear Algebra and an introductory course in combinatorics such as MAT 344HF are recommended.

    MAT 1312HS
    V. Jurdjevic

    This course will be driven by two fundamental observations; the first observation is that the dual of the Lie algebra g of a Lie group G is a Poisson manifold and that much of the structure and the theory of Lie groups and their symmetric spaces can be directly deduced from this fact alone, and the second observation is that the orbit theorem with related accessibility results together with the Maximum Principle and the associated Hamiltonian formalism of optimal control theory are effective tools in carrying out the program suggested by the first observation. The symplectic outlook on Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces offers an additional advantage in that it ellucidates the importance of Lie groups for the equations of applied mathematics.

    The course will be a synthesis of the following topics:

    1. Symmetric Spaces, Sub-Riemannian Problems and Principal Bundles.
    2. Kepler's Problem and Non-Euclidean Geometry.
    3. Kirchhoff's Elastic Problem, Elasticae and Mechanical Tops.
    4. The Rolling Sphere Problems.
    5. Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. Kowalewski- Lyapunov Integrability Criteria.
    6. Complex Symplectic Geometry. Real Forms. Applications to Geometry and Mechanics.
    7. Problems of Quantum Control.
    8. Schroedinger's Equation and Infinite Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems. Solitons.

    Much of this material will be taken from [J2] and the graduate monograph of mine in progress that will be ( I hope) finished by the time the course is offered.



    MAT 1344HS
    Y. Karshon

    We will discuss a variety of concepts, examples, and theorems of symplectic geometry and topology. These may include, but are not restricted to, these topics: review of differential forms and cohomology; symplectomorphisms; local normal forms; Hamiltonian mechanics; group actions and moment maps; geometric quantization; a glimpse of holomorphic techniques.

    Prerequisites: manifolds, differential forms, cohomology.

    Main recommended book:
    Ana Cannas da Silva, "Lectures on Symplectic Geometry", Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1764, Springer-Verlag 2001. (A second edition should come out at some point but it's not out yet.)

    Other relevant books:
    Dusa McDuff and Dietmar Salamon, "Introduction to Symplectic Topology", Oxford Science Publications.
    V.I.Arnold, "Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics", Second Edition.
    Helmut Hofer and Eduard Zehnder, "Symplectic Invariants and Hamiltonian Dynamics", Birkhäuser, 1994.
    Viktor Ginzburg, Victor Guillemin, and Yael Karshon, "Moment maps, cobordisms, and Hamiltonian group actions", American Mathematical Society Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 98.

    MAT 1350HF
    D. Bar-Natan

    The Jones polynomial is perhaps the simplest knot invariant to define; it can be defined (and will be defined in the first class) in about 5 minutes, invariance can be proven in about 15 minutes, it can be programmed in another 10 minutes, and then it can be evaluated for the first few hundred knots in some 10 minutes or so. In the rest of the semester we will see that the Jones polynomial has some knot theoretic implications, has lovely generalizations and fits within some nice pictures, and is a wonderful excuse and unifying centre for the study of several other deep subjects, including but not limited to combinatorics, homological algebra, Lie algebras, quantum algebra, category theory and even quantum field theory. Some of these subjects we will cover in great detail; others, for the luck of time, will only be briefly touched.

    Prerequisites: Graduate core courses in Topology (MAT 1300Y) and in Algebra (MAT 1100Y), or their equivalents.

    MAT 1352HF
    E. Meinrenken

    This course will be an introduction to the Atiyah-Singer index theorem for elliptic operators. We will cover the following topics: Prerequisites:
    Solid background knowledge in algebraic topology and manifold theory, as well as some Hilbert space basics.

    M. Atiyah, I. Singer: The index of elliptic operators I. Annals of Mathematics 87 (1968)
    B. Lawson, L. Michelson: Spin geometry. Princeton University Press (1989)
    N. Higson, J.Roe: Lectures on operator K-theory and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem
    D. Freed: Notes on index theory
    G. Landweber: K-theory and elliptic operators

    MAT 1352HS
    D. Bar-Natan

    This is a continuation of 06-1350 and the abstract remains the same:

    An "Algebraic Knot Theory" should consist of two ingredients

    1. A map taking knots to algebraic entities; such a map may be useful, say, to tell different knots apart.
    2. A collection of rules of the general nature of "if two knots are related in such and such a way, their corresponding algebraic entities are related in such and such a way". Such rules may allow us, say, to tell how far a knot is from the unknot or how far are two knots from each other.

    (If you have seen homology as in algebraic topology, recall that its strength stems from it being a functor. Not merely it assigns groups to spaces, but further, if spaces are related by maps, the corresponding groups are related by a homomorphism. We seek the same, or similar, for knots.)

    The first ingredient for an "Algebraic Knot Theory" exists in many ways and forms; these are the many types and theories of "knot invariants". There is very little of the second ingredient at present, though when properly generalized and interpreted, the so-called Kontsevich Integral seems to be it. But viewed from this angle, the Kontsevich Integral is remarkably poorly understood.

    The purpose of this class will be to understand all of the above.

    MAT 1355HF
    P. Milman

    In this course we will derive various applications of resolution of singularities to the classical-type inequalities of Analysis. We will also examine some applications to problems in Geometry. The course will include a proof of a `mini' variant of desingularization that will suffice for these applications.

    Prerequisites: Standard undergraduate material (first 3 years) of the math specialist program including the implicit function theorem (and related material) as well as some familiarity with the basic algebraic and geometric notions such as polynomials, analytic functions, ideals, rings etc., affine and projective spaces.

    MAT 1435HF

    B. Szegedy

    The goal of this course is to highlight some powerful analytic methods that prove to be extremely successful in modern combinatorics. A considerable part of the course will focus on the so-called Regularity Lemma (by Szemeredi) and recent generalizations for hypergraphs (by Gowers, Rodl, Nagle, Skokan, Schacht, Kohayakawa). We will also discuss applications of harmonic analysis.

    Prerequisites: Knowledge of graph theory and harmonic analysis.

    MAT 1450HS
    S. Todorcevic

    This course is a natural continuation of the 2005-06 MAT 1450HF course, but will not be bounded to those who took it as the subject matter is related but not too much dependent. The stress this time will be on finite Ramsey theory, or more precisely finite structural Ramsey theory, and its relationship to Fraisse theory of homogeneous structure and topological dynamics of groups of automorphisms.

    Prerequisites: Basic core courses in mathematics.

    Graham-Rothschild-Spencer, Ramsey Theory, 1990
    My textbook "Introduction to Ramsey Spaces", which at the moment is available as draft but at that time may be even in press.

    MAT 1502HS
    J. Quastel

    Random walk, Markov chains, Martingales, Brownian motion, Stochastic Integrals, Markov processes and associated partial differential equations, Ito's formula, Stochastic differential equations, Cameron-Martin-Girsanov formula, relation between discrete and continuous time models, applications including Black-Scholes formula.

    Probabilty or Real analysis.

    MAT 1739HF
    K. Hori

    This course will give an accessible introduction to supersymmetric quantum field theories in low dimensions. Supersymmetry is relevant for many recent developments in various fields in mathemetics, including Gromov-Witten invariants, Donaldson invariants, Floer homology, various fixed point theorems, etc. No special background is assumed.

    1. Gaussian integrals and Feynman diagrams, fermionic integrals.
    2. Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and Morse theory.
    3. Non-linear sigma models, Landau-Gizburg models, Linear sigma models.
    4. Renormalization group flows, supersymmetric non-renormalization theorems.
    5. Chiral rings and topological field theory.
    6. Mirror symmetry.
    K.Hori, S.Katz, A.Klemm, R.Pandharipande, R.Thomas, C.Vafa, R.Vakil and E.Zaslow, ``Mirror symmetry'' (AMS/CMI, 2003).

    1. P.Deligne, P.Etingof, D.S.Freed, L.C.Jeffrey, D.Kazhdan, J.W.Morgan, D.R. Morrison, E. Witten, editors, ``Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians'' vol 1 & 2 (AMS, 1999).
    2. E. Witten, ``Supersymmetry And Morse Theory'', J. Diff. Geom. 17 (1982) 661.

    MAT 1844HF
    C. Pugh

    How ODE's integrate to flows, topological dynamics (minimality, topological transitivity, and related concepts), low dimensional dynamics such as Denjoy's Theorem for surface flows, hyperbolicity, linearization, stable manifold theory, structural stability, Axiom A dynamics and many examples, geodesic flows (especially with negative curvature), smooth ergodicity.

    Prerequisites: The student should be at ease with respect to real analysis, differential topology, and linear algebra.

    Books: Course notes will be based in part on the books Geometric Theory of Dynamical systems by Palis and deMelo, Invariant Manifolds by Hirsch, Pugh, and Shub, Global Stability of Dynamical Systems by Shub, Chaotic Dynamical Systems by Devaney, A First Course in Dynamics by Hasselblatt and Katok, Dynamical Systems by Robinson.

    MAT 1845HS
    M. Lyubich

    Holomorphic dynamics studies iterates of rational endomorphisms of the Riemann sphere. Even in the simplest case of the quadratic family it is extremely rich. The tools of the field come from conformal and quasiconformal geometry, which have been, in turn, enriched by dynamics. We will discuss how these two fields interact and stimulate each other. The exposition will be self-contained.

    MAT 1880HS
    I. M. Sigal

    In this course we discuss two key groups of biological models which were intensively studied in the last few years. The first group deals with collective behaviour of interacting biological organisms such as cells and bacteria (e.g. chemotaxis). The goal here is to describe such phenomena as aggregation (congregation of cells or bacteria into tightly bound, rigid colonies) and developmental pattern formation.

    The second group of models deals with mechanisms through which networks of interacting biomolecules (proteins or genes) carry out the essential functions in living cells. Among the questions which are addressed here is how the genetic and biochemical networks withstand considerable variations and random perturbations of biochemical parameters. The complexity and high inter-connectedness of these networks makes the question of the stability in their functioning of special importance.

    Finally we will discuss mathematical models of the dynamics of HIV-1 and of cancer growth.

    The models above are expressed in terms of Markov chains and stochastic ordinary differential equations. In addition, in the first case, reaction-diffusion equations (e.g. Keller-Segel equations) and stochastic particle dynamics are used. This mathematical background together with its biological interpretation will be developed in the course.

    Prerequisites for this course: some familiarity with elementary ordinary and partial differential equations and elementary probability theory. No knowledge of biology is required.

    MAT 1900Y/1901H/1902H

    Numbers assigned for students wishing individual instruction in an area of pure mathematics.

    MAT 1950Y/1951H/1952H

    Numbers assigned for students wishing individual instruction in an area of applied mathematics.

    STA 2111HF
    B. Virag

    Random variables, expected value, independence, laws of large numbers, random walks, martingales, Markov chains.

    Prerequisite: measure theory (may be taken at the same time) or permission of the instructor.

    Durrett, Probability: Theory and Examples

    STA 2211HS
    J. Quastel

    Weak convergence, central limit theorems, stable laws, infinitely divisible laws, ergodic theorems, Brownian motion.

    Durrett, Probability: Theory and Examples


    MAT 1195HF
    K. Murty

    The use of elliptic curves (one-dimensional Abelian varieties) in cryptography has been extensively studied over the last two decades. In this course, we will start to look at the higher-dimensional case. We will begin by discussing the necessary number theoretic and algebro-geometric background that will be necessary for this study. We will then discuss the case of elliptic curves and of Jacobians of various families of curves. Finally, we will discuss the case of general Abelian varieties. We will be looking at both constructive (i.e. explicit arithmetic and point counting) and destructive (i.e. weaknesses, attacks, etc.) aspects. The course will assume elementary number theory and abstract algebra.


    The following course is offered to help train students to become effective tutorial leaders and eventually lecturers. It is not for degree credit and is not to be offered every year.

    MAT 1499HS
    J. Repka

    The goals of the course include techniques for teaching large classes, sensitivity to possible problems, and developing an ability to criticize one's own teaching and correct problems.

    Assignments will include such things as preparing sample classes, tests, assignments, course outlines, designs for new courses, instructions for teaching assistants, identifying and dealing with various types of problems, dealing with administrative requirements, etc.

    The course will also include teaching a few classes in a large course under the supervision of the instructor. A video camera will be available to enable students to tape their teaching for later (private) assessment.


    (Math graduate students cannot take the following courses for graduate credit.)


    (These courses are used as reading courses for engineering and science students in need of instruction in special topics in theoretical mathematics. These course numbers can also be used as dual numbers for some third and fourth year undergraduate mathematics courses if the instructor agrees to adapt the courses to the special needs of graduate students. A listing of such courses is available in the 2006-2007 Faculty of Arts and Science Calendar. Students taking these courses should get an enrolment form from the graduate studies office of the Mathematics Department. Permission from the instructor is required.)

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