Abstract. The commutator of two elements $x$ and $y$ in a group $G$ is $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}$. That is, $x$ followed by $y$ followed by the inverse of $x$ followed by the inverse of $y$. In my talk I will tell you how commutators are related to the following four riddles:
Handout: Commutators-Handout.pdf. Slides: Commutators-Slides.nb. Talk video: . Sources: pensieve.
Abstract. I will describe a general machine, a close cousin of Taylor's theorem, whose inputs are topics in topology and whose outputs are problems in algebra. There are many inputs the machine can take, and many outputs it produces, but I will concentrate on just one input/output pair. When fed with a certain class of knotted 2-dimensional objects in 4-dimensional space, it outputs the Kashiwara-Vergne Problem (1978, solved Alekseev-Meinrenken 2006, elucidated Alekseev-Torossian 2008-2011), a problem about convolutions on Lie groups and Lie algebras.
A repeat of my November 2013 Bern Colloquium, see video there.
Links: AM AT Bern CS Dal F inf KV mac vX WKO1 WKO2 X ZD
See the papers: WKO1, WKO2.
Sources: pensieve.