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A Sample Final Exam

University of Toronto, April 12, 2005

This document in PDF: SampleFinal.pdf

Math 1300Y Students: Make sure to write ``1300Y'' in the course field on the exam notebook. Solve 2 of the 3 problems in part A and 4 of the 6 problems in part B. Each problem is worth 17 points, to a maximal total grade of 102. If you solve more than the required 2 in 3 and 4 in 6, indicate very clearly which problems you want graded; otherwise random ones will be left out at grading and they may be your best ones! You have 3 hours. No outside material other than stationary is allowed.

Math 427S Students: Make sure to write ``427S'' in the course field on the exam notebook. Solve 5 of the 6 problems in part B, do not solve anything in part A. Each problem is worth 20 points. If you solve more than the required 5 in 6, indicate very clearly which problems you want graded; otherwise random ones will be left out at grading and they may be your best ones! You have 3 hours. No outside material other than stationary is allowed.

Good Luck!

Part A

Problem 1. Let $ X$ be a topological space.

  1. Define the ``product topology'' on $ X\times X$.
  2. Prove that if $ X$ is compact then so is $ X\times X$.
  3. Prove that the ``folding of $ X$ along the diagonal'', $ S^2X:=X\times X/(x,y)\sim(y,x)$ is also compact.

Problem 2. Let $ X$ be a compact metric space and let $ \{U_\alpha\mid\alpha\in A\}$ be an open cover of $ X$. Show that there exists $ \epsilon>0$ such that for every $ x\in X$ there exists $ \alpha\in A$ such that the $ \epsilon$-ball centred at $ x$ is contained in $ U_\alpha$. ($ \epsilon$ is called a Lebesgue number for the covering.)

Problem 3.

  1. Compute $ \pi_1({\mathbb{R}}{\mathbb{P}}^2)$.
  2. A topological space $ X_f$ is obtained from a topological space $ X$ by gluing to $ X$ an $ n$-dimensional cell $ e^n$ using a continuous gluing map $ f:\partial e^n=S^{n-1}\to X$, where $ n\geq 3$. Prove that obvious map $ \iota:\pi_1(X)\to\pi_1(X_f)$ is an isomorphism.
  3. Compute $ \pi_1({\mathbb{R}}{\mathbb{P}}^n)$ for all $ n$.

Part B

Problem 4. Let $ p:X\to B$ be a covering of a connected locally connected and semi-locally simply connected base $ B$ with basepoint $ b$. Prove that if $ p_\star\pi_1(X)$ is normal in $ \pi_1(B)$ then the group of automorphisms of $ X$ acts transitively on $ p^{-1}(b)$.

Problem 5. A topological space $ X_f$ is obtained from a topological space $ X$ by gluing to $ X$ an $ n$-dimensional cell $ e^n$ using a continuous gluing map $ f:\partial e^n=S^{n-1}\to X$, where $ n\geq 2$. Show that

  1. $ H_m(X)\cong H_m (X_f)$ for $ m\ne n,n-1$.
  2. There is an exact sequence

    $\displaystyle 0 \to H_n(X) \to H_n(X_f) \to H_{n-1}(S^{n-1}) \to\
H_{n-1} (X) \to H_{n-1}(X_f) \to 0.

Problem 6. Let $ T$ denote the (standard) 2-dimensional torus.

  1. State the homology and cohomology of $ T$ including the ring structure. (Just state the results; no justification is required.)
  2. Show that every map $ f$ from the sphere $ S^2$ to $ T$ induces the zero map on cohomology. (Hint: cohomology flows against the direction of $ f$).

Problem 7. For $ n\geq 1$, what is the degree of the antipodal map on $ S^n$? Give an example of a continuous map $ f:S^n \rightarrow S^n$ of degree 2 (your exmple should work for every $ n$). Explain your answers.

Problem 8.

  1. State the ``Salad Bowl Theorem''.
  2. State the ``Borsuk-Ulam Theorem''.
  3. Prove that the latter implies the former.

Problem 9. Suppose

$\displaystyle \xymatrix{
A\ar[r]^{a}\ar[d]^\alpha &
B\ar[r]^{b}\ar[d]^\beta &
...psilon \\
A'\ar[r]^{a'} & B'\ar[r]^{b'} & C'\ar[r]^{c'} & D'\ar[r]^{d'} & E'

is a commutative diagram of Abelian groups in which the rows are exact and $ \alpha$, $ \beta$, $ \delta$ and $ \epsilon$ are isomorphisms. Prove that $ \gamma$ is also an isomorphism.

Good Luck!

Warning: The real exam will be similar to this sample, to my taste. Your taste may be significantly different.

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Dror Bar-Natan 2005-04-12