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Homework Assignment 14

Assigned Tuesday January 7; due Friday January 17, 2PM at SS 1071

this document in PDF: HW14.pdf

Required reading

All of Spivak Chapter 14.

To be handed in

From Spivak Chapter 14: 1 (even parts), 2 (even parts), 11, 15, 21.

Recommended for extra practice

From Spivak Chapter 14: 1 (odd parts), 2 (odd parts), 7, 19, 25, 28.

Just for fun

This homework assignment can read your mind! How does it work? (not on netscape, sorry)

  • Think of a two digit number (e.g., 34).
  • Subtract from this number its two digits (e.g., 34 - 3 - 4 = 27).
  • Find the symbol that corresponds to this number in the table below.
  • Concentrate on the symbol and click on the magic square below the table...

(Adopted from http://www.wisecat.vispa.com/mindreader/)

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Dror Bar-Natan 2003-01-08