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© | << < ? > >> | Dror Bar-Natan: Talks:

Knots in Three and Four Dimensions

46th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference, Syracuse by Web, April 10, 2021, 3PM.

Abstract. Much as we can understand 3-dimensional objects by staring at their pictures and x-ray images and slices in 2-dimensions, so can we understand 4-dimensional objects by staring at their pictures and x-ray images and slices in 3-dimensions, capitalizing on the fact that we understand 3-dimensions pretty well. So we will spend some time staring at and understanding various 2-dimensional views of a 3-dimensional elephant, and then even more simply, various 2-dimensional views of some 3-dimensional knots. This achieved, we'll take the leap and visualize some 4-dimensional knots by their various traces in 3-dimensional space, and if we'll still have time, we'll prove that these knots are really knotted.

Handout: K34.pdf

Slides: K34-Slides.pdf

Annotated Slides: K34-Slides@.pdf

Talk Video. (Also @YouTube).
