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Question Corner and Discussion Area

Teaching Linear Equations With CDROM Technology

From Allan Ast on December 13, 1996:
Hi. I'm an adult education instructor for SIAST. I'm presently developing multimedia materials in the science area. Part of the program involves showing students how to solve linear equations using a CD ROM format. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this could be presented using the potential of the CD ROM format. I've thought of using a manipulative approach similar to Alge-Tiles.

Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

From Myla V. de los Santos on July 28, 1997:
I would like to find a better way of introducing word problems involving linear equations.
From Philip Spencer, University of Toronto on July 29, 1997:
To be honest, I can't think of a better way of introducing linear equation word problems than simply stating them, choosing them from some real life application so that students can see the relevance. There are countless applications one can choose from. For example:

You are renovating a house and have a leftover supply of wood trim: 17 long and 9 short. You want to use them up by making decorative window and door frames. A window frame will use up 3 short pieces for the top and sides, and 1 long piece which is cut in two for a double-width sill. A door frame will use up a short piece for the top and two long pieces for the sides. How many window and door frames should you make, to completely use up your leftover trim? (Solve the system of linear equations 3x + y = 17, x + 2y = 9).

A chemical company wants to produce 100 litres of oxygen and 50 litres of pure water. It does so by processing two types of raw material. Each litre of material A produces 0.6 litres of oxygen and 0.2 litres of water. Each litre of material B produces 0.3 litres of oxygen and 0.4 litres of water. How much of each raw material will be required to produce the desired quantities of oxygen and water? (Solve the system 0.6 x + 0.3 y = 100, 0.2 x + 0.4 y = 50).

These are just two off the top of my head. You might want to pick your own real-life situation that's of particular interest or relevance to your students.

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