University of Toronto Mississauga
MAT402H5F: Classical Geometries, Fall 2016-17
Course outline
(lecture rooms changed to CC2150 on Tue 1-2 and IB380 on Fri 11-1).
Chapter 1 (and a bit more) of Lee's textbook.
online version of Book 1 of Euclid's Elements.
I also highly recommend the Green Lion Press printed version
of Euclid's Elements, which is very pleasant to read.
Problem set 1, due Sept.16th in tutorial.
Problem set 2, due Sept.23th in tutorial.
Problem set 3, due Sept.30th in tutorial.
Problem set 4, due Oct.7th in tutorial.
Problem set 5, due Tuesday Oct.18th in class.
Problem set 6, due Tuesday Nov.1st in class.
Problem set 7, due Tuesday Nov.8th in class.
Problem set 8, due Friday Nov.18th in class.
Problem set 9, due Friday Nov.25th.
Problem set 10:
Assigned reading:
- Read Chapter 17 of John Lee's texbook,
with emphasis on the discussions and statements, not the proofs.
- Read Chapter 6 of John Lee's textbook again,
this time with emphasis on the Cartesian model.
- Read the handout (below) on the Poincare upper half plane model
for hyperbolic geometry.
- Read the Rice University website
Geometry of the Sphere.
Due Monday Dec.5th: Exercises 1-7 in the handout (below)
on the Poincare upper half plane model for hyperbolic geometry.
Pre-exam office hours: Friday Dec.9, 11-1, DH 4001.
Handout on the Poincare upper half plane model
for hyperbolic geometry.
Notes on geometry
of lines and planes in space.
Notes on perspective geometry.
Study guide for the midterm.
This handout that summarizes axioms+theorems
will be attached to the final exam.
You don't need to bring to the exam your own copy of it.