Ivan Telpukhovskiy

Hi! I'm a visiting scientist (postdoc) at Weizmann Institute of Science. Before that I was a postdoc at the Euler Institute. I obtained my Ph.D. in 2021 at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Kasra Rafi.

My research interests include hyperbolic geometry, geometry of Teichmüller space, especially when equipped with the Thurston metric.

ivantelp at math dot toronto dot edu


Masur’s criterion does not hold in the Thurston metric (2022) arXiv
Accepted to Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics

On normalizations of Thurston measure on the space of measured laminations (2019), with Leonid Monin
arXiv Topology and Its Applications


Hyperbolic surfaces (Fall 2021, topics course at SpBU)
MAT235: Calculus II (Fall-Winter 2020, UofT)