Institute for Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics
I-AIM Homepage

Proposals and Faculty Response

First Provostial Planning Process Submission to Arts and Science(January 30, 2004) plus addenda (April 21, 2004)
Second Provostial Planning Process Submission to Arts and Science (April 30, 2004)
Subsequent updates (May 1, 2004)
Stepping Up: The Faculty of Arts and Science 2004 Plan and Response
Academic Initiatives Fund (AIF) Proposal Submitted to Arts and Science (January 5, 2005)
Academic Initiatives Fund (AIF) Proposal Submitted to AIF (February 8, 2005)
Academic Initiatives Fund (AIF) Proposal Submitted to Arts and Science (October 21, 2005)

Contact person: Robert Jerrard (416) 946-5441 [rjerrard AT math DOT utoronto DOT ca]