- Ian F.Blake, V.Kumar Murty and Guangwu Xu
Efficient algorithms for Koblitz�
curves over fields of characteristic three.
Journal of Discrete
Algorithms, 3, 2005, pp. 113-124.
- Ian F.Blake, Gadiel Seroussi and Nigel P.Smart
Advances in Elliptic Curve Cryptogrphy.
Cambridge University Press, April, 2005.
- Aldar C.-F.Chan and Ian F.Blake
Scalable, server-passive, user-ananymous timed release cryptography.
Conference on Information and System Science,
ICDCS 2005, Ohio, June 2005.
- Ian F.Blake, V.Kumar Murty and Guangwu Xu
Refinements of Miller's algorithm
for computing the Weil/Tate pairing.
To appear in Journal of Algorithms.
- Ian F.Blake, V.Kumar Murty and Guangwu Xu
A note on window τ-NAF algorithm.
To appear in Information Processing Letters.
- E.C.Park and Ian F.Blake
On the mean number of encryptions
for tree-based broadcast encryption schemes.
To appear in Journal of Discrete Algorithms.
- Ian F.Blake, Theo Garefalakis and Igor Shparlinksi
On the Bit Security of the Diffie-Hellman Key.
To appear in Applicable Algebra in Communications and Computers.
- Ian F.Blake, V.Kumar Murty and Guangwu Xu
Nonadjacent radix-τ expansions
of integers in Euclidean imaginary quadratic number fields.
- E.C.Park and Ian F.Blake
Recursive expressions for tree-based key distribution shcemes.
Conference on Information and System Science,
Princeton University, March 2004.
- Ian F.Blake and Vlad Kolesnikov
Strong conditional oblivious transfer and computing on intervals.
Asiacrypt 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3329, pp. 119-134, 2004.
- Ian F.Blake and Theo Garefalakis
On the complexity of the discrete logarithm and the Diffie-Hellman problems.
J. of Complexity, 20(2-3), 148-170, 2004.
- Theo Garefalakis
The generalized Weil pairing and the discrete logarithm
problem on elliptic curves.
Theoretical Comp. Sci. 321, 59-72, 2004.
- A.Izadi and V.Kumar Murty
Counting points on an
Abelian variety over a finite field.
Indocrypt, 2003
- Nicolas Thériault
Index calculus attack for hyperelliptic
curves of small genus.
Preprint, 2003.
- Nicolas Thériault
Weil descent attack for Kummer
Preprint, 2003.
- Nicolas Thériault
Weil descent attack for Arti-Schreier
Preprint, 2003.
- Ian F.Blake and Theo Garefalakis
On the security of the Digital
Signature Algorithm.
Designs Codes and Cryptography, 26, 87-96, 2002.
- Pramathanath Sastry
Base change and Grothendieck
duality for Cohen-Macaulay maps.
Preprint, 2002.
- S.Ali Miri and V.Kumar Murty
An application of sieve
methods to elliptic curves.
Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 2247, Indocrypt, 2001,
pp. 91-98.
- S.Ali Miri and V.Kumar Murty
Computational aspects
of number theory.
In preparation, 2001.
- V.Kumar Murty
Abelian varieties - optimal cryptography for wireless communications?
Wireless Security Perspectives, 2, 2000, pp. 3-5.
- S.Ali Miri and V.Kumar Murty
The elliptic curve
discrete logarithm problem and the lifting problem.
Preprint, 2000.
foto by:Jane M Sawyer