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Final Exam

University of Toronto, April 29, 2005

This document in PDF: Final.pdf

Math 1300Y Students: Make sure to write ``1300Y'' in the course field on the exam notebook. Solve 2 of the 3 problems in part A and 4 of the 6 problems in part B. Each problem is worth 17 points, to a maximal total grade of 102. If you solve more than the required 2 in 3 and 4 in 6, indicate very clearly which problems you want graded; otherwise random ones will be left out at grading and they may be your best ones! You have 3 hours. No outside material other than stationary is allowed.

Math 427S Students: Make sure to write ``427S'' in the course field on the exam notebook. Solve 5 of the 6 problems in part B, do not solve anything in part A. Each problem is worth 20 points. If you solve more than the required 5 in 6, indicate very clearly which problems you want graded; otherwise random ones will be left out at grading and they may be your best ones! You have 3 hours. No outside material other than stationary is allowed.

Good Luck!

Part A

Problem 1. Let $ X$ be a topological space.

  1. Define the phrase ``$ X$ is Hausdorff''.
  2. Define the phrase ``$ X$ is normal''.
  3. Define the phrase ``$ X$ is compact''.
  4. Prove that if $ X$ is compact and Hausdorff, it is normal.

Problem 2. Let $ X$ be a metric space.

  1. Define the phrase ``$ X$ is complete''.
  2. Define the phrase ``$ X$ is totally bounded''.
  3. Prove that if $ X$ is totally bounded and complete than every sequence in $ X$ has a convergent subsequence.

Problem 3.

  1. State the Van Kampen theorem in full.
  2. Let $ D=\{z\in{\mathbb{C}}:\vert z\vert\leq 1\}$ be the unit disk in the complex plane and let $ Y$ be its quotient by the relation $ z\sim ze^{2\pi i/3}$, for $ \vert z\vert=1$. Compute $ \pi_1(Y)$.

Part B

Problem 4.

  1. Let $ p:X\to B$ be covering map and let $ f:Y\to B$ be a continuous map. State in full the lifting theorem, which gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a lift of $ f$ to a map $ \tilde{f}:Y\to X$ such that $ f=p\circ\tilde{f}$.
  2. Let $ p:{\mathbb{R}}\to S^1$ be given by $ p(t)=e^{it}$. Is it true that every map $ f:{\mathbb{R}}{\mathbb{P}}^2\to S^1$ can be lifted to a map $ \tilde{f}:{\mathbb{R}}{\mathbb{P}}^2\to{\mathbb{R}}$ such that $ f=p\circ\tilde{f}$? Justify your answer.

Problem 5. Let $ M$ be an $ n$-dimensional topological manifold (a space in which every point has a neighborhood homeomorphic to $ {\mathbb{R}}^n$), and let $ p$ be a point in $ M$.

  1. Show that $ p$ has a neighborhood $ U$ for which $ H_k(M-p,U-p)$ is isomorphic to $ \tilde{H}_k(M)$ for all $ k$, and so that $ U$ is homeomorphic to a ball.
  2. Write the long exact sequence corresponding to the pair $ (M-p,U-p)$.
  3. Prove that $ \tilde{H}_k(M-p)$ is isomorphic to $ \tilde{H}_k(M)$ for $ k<n-1$.

Problem 6.

  1. Present the space $ X=S^2\times S^4$ as a CW complex.
  2. Calculate the homology of $ X$. (I.e., calculate $ H_k(X)$ for all $ k$).
  3. What is the minimal number of cells required to present $ X$ as a CW complex? Justify your answer.

Problem 7.

  1. Define the degree $ \deg\Phi$ of a continuous map $ \Phi:T^2\to S^2$.
  2. Let $ \gamma_1,\gamma_2:S^1\to{\mathbb{R}}^3$ be two continuous maps such that $ \gamma_1(S^1)\cap\gamma_2(S^1)=\emptyset$. Let $ \Phi_{\gamma_1,\gamma_2}:T^2=S^1\times S^1\to S^2$ be defined by

    $\displaystyle \Phi_{\gamma_1,\gamma_2}(z_1,z_2):= \frac

    for $ z_1,z_2\in S^1$. Prove that the degree $ l(\gamma_1,\gamma_2):=\deg\Phi_{\gamma_1,\gamma_2}$ is invariant under homotopies of $ \gamma_1$ and $ \gamma_2$ throughout which $ \gamma_1$ and $ \gamma_2$ remain disjoint. (I.e., homotopies $ \gamma_{1,t}$ and $ \gamma_{2,t}$ for which $ \gamma_{1,t}(S^1)\cap\gamma_{2,t}(S^1)=\emptyset$ for all $ t$).
  3. Compute (without worrying about signs, but otherwise with justification) the degree $ l(\gamma_1,\gamma_2)$ where $ \gamma_1$ and $ \gamma_2$ are given by the picture $ \bigcirc\bigcirc$.
  4. Compute (without worrying about signs, but otherwise with justification) the degree $ l(\gamma_1,\gamma_2)$ where $ \gamma_1$ and $ \gamma_2$ are given by the picture $ \HopfLink$.

Problem 8.

  1. State the theorem about the homology of the complement of an embedded disk in $ {\mathbb{R}}^n$.
  2. State the theorem about the homology of the complement of an embedded sphere in $ {\mathbb{R}}^n$.
  3. Prove that the first of these two theorems implies the second.

Problem 9. A chain complex $ A$ is said to be ``acyclic'' if its homology vanishes (i.e., if it is an exact sequence). Let $ C$ be a subcomplex of some chain complex $ B$.

  1. Show that if $ C$ is acyclic then the homology of $ B$ is isomorphic to the homology of $ B/C$ (so $ C$ ``doesn't matter'').
  2. Show that if $ B/C$ is acyclic then the homology of $ B$ is isomorphic to the homology of $ C$ (so ``the part of $ B$ out of $ C$'' doesn't matter).
  3. If $ B$ is acyclic, can you say anything about the relation between the homology of $ C$ and the homology of $ B/C$?

Good Luck!

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Dror Bar-Natan 2005-05-02