;; Generic TinyFugue configuration file ;; 1995-10-20 by Steven Alexander & John Chew ;; 1995-12-06 sa erroneously uncommented lines commented out, title changed ;; Comments begin with one or more semicolons ;; Define servers. If you type `tf' at the Unix prompt, you will be connected ;; to the first server listed. To connect to one named (e.g.) `foo', type ;; `tf foo' at the Unix prompt. If you do not want to keep your server ;; passwords in this file for security reasons, then omit both your player ;; name and password from the following lines, and connect manually by ;; typing `connect name password' at the server. /addworld posldoom yourname passwordforpd synge.math.toronto.edu 7777 /addworld marldoom yourname passwordformd eel.st.usm.edu 7777 /addworld wisdoom yourname passwordforwd next7.cas.muohio.edu 8888 ;; If you are connecting from a blacklisted site, you will have to create ;; a file (say `blacklist') that contains the line `/send PASSWORD' ;; (replace PASSWORD with the correct password) and append the name of ;; the file to each of the above lines, e.g.: ;; ;; /addworld posldoom name password synge.math.toronto.edu 7777 blacklist ;; Uncomment the following line to have TinyFugue log all output to a file. ;; You can also type this command by hand within tf, or `/log off' to stop ;; logging. ; /log -g ~/MOO.log ;; Uncomment the following line to display the time at startup, usually ;; for the benefit of the aforementioned log. ; /time ;; Redraw a crossword game board on a DOoM server whenever the clock is ;; started, typically at the beginning of a turn. The following trigger ;; instructs TinyFugue to send the `b' (board) command any time it ;; receives a line ending in "starts [someone's] clock." /trig *starts * clock. = b ;; Display the game log and redraw the board at the end of your game. The ;; following trigger sends the `log2' and `b' commands whenever you see a ;; line beginning with "> Final scores:" and containing your name later on. /trig > Final scores:*yourname* = log2%;b ;; Uncomment this line to suppress the top and bottom column guides; ;; this will prevent them from appearing as output. The possible ;; advantage is that you will not need to redraw the board as often. ; /gag *a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o* ;; Turn on windowing mode, that is, have output appear and scroll in the ;; top 20 lines, your input in the bottom 3 [by default]. /visual on ;; Uncomment to make input window #lines specified; default is 3 ; /set isize=2 ;; Uncomment this line to have tinyfugue display the status that it is ;; your move in bright letters. ;/partial Waiting for yourname to play ;; MACROS which automatically track when tracking information takes up ;; only one line. /trig *The bag contains 4[0-3]* = track /trig *The bag contains [1-3a-z]* = track ;; LINE SUPPRESSION ;; ================ ;; The /gag commands prevent a line of a certain type from coming across ;; your screen. You may want this in order to reduce the time it takes ;; to redraw a board on a slowish modem, or to be able to keep more of ;; the table talk on screen during a game. ;; Uncomment this line to suppress the line telling you what you have ;; drawn, which is duplicative of information shown with the board ;/gag (You *now hold * ;; Uncomment to suppress the notice whose turn it is (which also shows :; on the board display) ;/gag It is * turn. ;; Uncomment to suppress the top and bottom column coordinates ;/gag *a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o* ;; These gags taken together will prevent anything but the board from ;; displaying (except for the notice that it has become someone's turn, ;; which you use to trigger a board redraw), allowing you to keep more ;; of the table talk on your small screen. ;; To turn off gagging for this session, type this during your tf session ;; /nogag ;; and to turn it back on: ;; /gag ;; Note that DOoM has its own distinct gagging feature allowing you to ;; suppress all comments of certain players. Remember, tinyfugue commands ;; begin with "/".