\( \def\bbN{{\mathbb N}} \def\bbQ{{\mathbb Q}} \def\bbR{{\mathbb R}} \def\bbZ{{\mathbb Z}} \def\calT{{\mathcal T}} \def\Lim{{\operatorname{Lim}}} \)
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Homework Assignment #9

Post. If you have an excellent solution set for a past assignment, I'll be happy to post it as explained at About.html under "Solution Sets".

Read sections 28, 34, 43, and 45 in Munkres' textbook (Topology, 2nd edition). Remember that reading math isn't like reading a novel! If you read a novel and miss a few details most likely you'll still understand the novel. But if you miss a few details in a math text, often you'll miss everything that follows. So reading math takes reading and rereading and rerereading and a lot of thought about what you've read.

Solve and submit your solutions of problems 1 and 3 on page 181, problem 3 on page 218, and problem 1 on page 280. (As for the last problem, note that I said something incorrect in class. $(0,1)^\bbN$ is in fact totally bounded using the metric of that problem. It is not totally bounded in the uniform metric, though).

Due date. This assignment is due at the end of class on Tuesday December 4, or at the "Makeup Monday" tutorials of Thursday December 6, or at Dror's office, Bahen 6178, on Thursday December 6 between 2:30-3:30PM. The marked assignments will be available for pickup at various pre-final-exam office hours that will be scheduled next week. If you can, please use the Homework Submission Cover Page to help with faster returns and to help with privacy.

A Painful Reminder. Right after our final exam agents of the Evil Galactic Empire will lock all the students of this class in separate sound proof, electromagnetically sealed, neutrino hardened, and gravitational wave resistant rooms in the dark, cold lower basement of Sidney Smith Hall. In the rooms they will place identical countable sequences of numbered boxes, each one containing a real number (the same sequence of real numbers in each room). By the day after, each student must open all but one of their boxes in the order of their liking, and guess the number in the remaining box. If more than one student will guess wrong [oh no, redacted].
Do Something! You must devise a survival strategy before the final or else [too sad to write].
News! A garbled recording just came in on a barrel-shaped robot. In it a princess seems to say: "what if all but finitely many of the real numbers were zero?". The rest of the recording could not be deciphered.

("Saw Omega" from Alfonso Gracia-Saz from Mira Bernstein from Vigorous Handwaving [spoilers inside]. Deadly serious.)