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Homework Assignment 22

Assigned Tuesday March 22; due Friday April 1, 2PM, at SS 1071

this document in PDF: HW.pdf

Required reading. All of Spivak's Chapters 22 and 23.

To be handed in. From Spivak Chapter 23: Problems 1 (parts divisible by 4), 12, 23.

Recommended for extra practice. From Spivak Chapter 23: Problems 1 (the rest), 5, 20, 21.

In class review problem(s) (to be solved in class on Thursday March 31):

Just for fun. In this question we always assume that $ a_n>0$ and $ b_n>0$. Let's say that a sequence $ a_n$ is ``much bigger'' than a sequence $ b_n$ if $ \lim_{n\to\infty}a_n/b_n=\infty$. Likewise let's say that a sequence $ a_n$ is ``much smaller'' than a sequence $ b_n$ if $ \lim_{n\to\infty}a_n/b_n=0$. Prove that for every convergent series $ \sum b_n$ there is a much bigger sequence $ a_n$ for which $ \sum a_n$ is also convergent, and that for every divergent series $ \sum b_n$ there is a much smaller sequence $ a_n$ for which $ \sum a_n$ is also divergent. (Thus you can forever search in vain for that fine line between good and evil; it just isn't there).

Advertisement 1'. A short addendum to Advertisement 1 of HW21:

Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 21:53:48 -0500

Dr. Bar-Natan:
Thank you for posting our announcement on your website, the advertising
is greatly appreciated! However, a minor note: technically, this event
*does* include free food - 5 meals (not to mention a T-shirt!) are
included in the $60 registration fee, truly a fantastic bargain!   ;)
Erica Blom

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Dror Bar-Natan 2005-03-21