Dror Bar-Natan: Classes: 2003-04: Math 157 - Analysis I: (58) Next: Class Notes for Tuesday January 6, 2004
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Homework Assignment 14

Assigned Tuesday January 6; due Friday January 16, 2PM, at SS 1071

This document in PDF: HW.pdf

Required reading. All of Spivak Chapter 13.

To be handed in. From Spivak Chapter 13: Problems 5(i), 7 (even parts), 8 (even parts), 9.

Recommended for extra practice. From Spivak Chapter 13: Problems 1, 5(ii), 7 (odd parts), 8 (odd parts), 13, 15, 37.

The boxed statements on both sides of this sheet are FALSE.
(check other side)

Just for fun. Why did I put these boxed statements on both sides of this sheet? Can they both be true? Can they both be false? If just one is true, which one must it be?

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Dror Bar-Natan 2004-01-07