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Class primitives.geomtry.Geomtry


public final class Geomtry
extends Object
The class Geomtry contains methods for preforming basic plane geomtry calculations required by related objects.

Variable Index

Determines the size in pixels of a drawn machine's anchor.
Determines the size in pixels of a drawn Machine's joint.

Constructor Index

 o Geomtry()
Don't let anyone instantiate this class.

Method Index

 o distance(Coordinate, Coordinate)
Returns the euclidean distance between 2 coordinate objects.
 o drawAnchor(Graphics, Point)
Draws a machine's anchor.
 o drawJoint(Graphics, Point)
Draws a machine's joint.
 o findPointOnPolygon(Coordinate, Coordinate, Polygon)
Returns the location of the intersection of a convex polygon and the line connecting 2 coordinates.
 o findPointOnPolygon(Coordinate, double, Polygon)
Returns the location of the intersection of a convex polygon and the line projecting of the coordinate with the given angle.
 o getAngle(Coordinate, Coordinate)
Returns the angle in radians between 2 coordinates.
 o getMidPoint(Coordinate, Coordinate, double)
Returns the convex sum of 2 locations.
 o getPointByVector(Coordinate, double, double)
Returns the coordinate location with the specified distance and angle from the given coordinate.
 o getStandartAngle(double)
Returns the corresponding argument value in the range 0-Math.PI*2
 o getTriPoint(Coordinate, double, Coordinate, double)
Returns the 2 possible locations of a point with the specified distances from 2 locations.
 o getTriPointEx(Coordinate, double, Coordinate, double, Coordinate, Coordinate)
Returns a location of a point with the specified distances from 2 locations.
 o modulo(double, double)
return the positive mod of an argument.
 o polarToCartes(Coordinate)
Converts polar coordinate to cartesian coordinate.
 o squareFormula(double, double, double)
Returns the 2 solutions of a quadratic equation.
 o toAngle(double)
Converts radians to degrees.
 o toRadian(double)
Converts degrees to radians.


 private static final int ANCHOR_SIZE
Determines the size in pixels of a drawn machine's anchor.

 private static final int JOINT_SIZE
Determines the size in pixels of a drawn Machine's joint.


 o Geomtry
 private Geomtry()
Don't let anyone instantiate this class.


 o distance
 public static double distance(Coordinate d1,
                               Coordinate d2)
Returns the euclidean distance between 2 coordinate objects.

d1 - a coordinate.
d2 - a coordinate.
the distance between d1 and d2.
 o squareFormula
 public static double[] squareFormula(double a,
                                      double b,
                                      double c) throws ArithmeticException
Returns the 2 solutions of a quadratic equation. Given the equation: ax2+bx+c=0.

a - a double.
b - a double.
c - a double.
an array of double with length =2 of the solutions to the quadratic equation.
Throws: ArithmeticException
when there is no real solution to the quadratic equation.
 o getPointByVector
 public static Coordinate getPointByVector(Coordinate c,
                                           double modul,
                                           double arg)
Returns the coordinate location with the specified distance and angle from the given coordinate.

c - a coordinate.
modul - the distance from c.
arg - the angle in radians.
the location of with the specified argument and modul from c.
 o findPointOnPolygon
 public static Coordinate findPointOnPolygon(Coordinate center,
                                             Coordinate state,
                                             Polygon polygon)
Returns the location of the intersection of a convex polygon and the line connecting 2 coordinates. The method uses an approximation algorithm rather than a linear computation which would be more efficient.

center - a coordiante presumed to lie inside the polygon.
state - a coordinate presumed to lie outside(or on) the polygon.
polygon - the polygon.
the Coordinate location of the point on the polygon.
 o findPointOnPolygon
 public static Coordinate findPointOnPolygon(Coordinate center,
                                             double angle,
                                             Polygon polygon)
Returns the location of the intersection of a convex polygon and the line projecting of the coordinate with the given angle. The method uses an approximation algorithm rather than a linear computation which would be more efficient.

center - a coordiante presumed to lie inside the polygon.
angle - the angle of the line from centerto find the intersection.
polygon - the polygon.
the Coordinate location of the point on the polygon.
 o getMidPoint
 public static Coordinate getMidPoint(Coordinate c1,
                                      Coordinate c2,
                                      double ratio)
Returns the convex sum of 2 locations.

c1 - a location.
c2 - a location.
ration - the convex ratio of c1 & c2.
 o getTriPoint
 public static Coordinate[] getTriPoint(Coordinate c1,
                                        double alpha,
                                        Coordinate c2,
                                        double beta) throws ArithmeticException
Returns the 2 possible locations of a point with the specified distances from 2 locations. if c1 & c2 represent equal locations and beta=alpha the return is the location with distance alpha and angle 0 from c1.

c1 - the first location.
alpha - the required distance from c1.
c2 - the second location.
beta - the requierd distance from c2.
the locations with distances alpha from c1 & beta from c2.
Throws: ArithmeticException
if there is no valid location with the specified parameters.
 o getTriPointEx
 public static Coordinate getTriPointEx(Coordinate c1,
                                        double alpha,
                                        Coordinate c2,
                                        double beta,
                                        Coordinate reference,
                                        Coordinate secondReference) throws ArithmeticException
Returns a location of a point with the specified distances from 2 locations. The location returned is the closest to reference and secondReference in this order. a nil argument for these parameters will return one of the two possible solutions.

c1 - the first location.
alpha - the required distance from c1.
c2 - the second location.
beta - the requierd distance from c2.
reference - specifies a location to which to return the closest location of possible 2.
secondReference - used if two locations have equal distances from reference.
the locations with distances alpha from c1 & beta from c2.
Throws: ArithmeticException
if there is no valid location with the specified parameters.
See Also:
 o getAngle
 public static double getAngle(Coordinate p1,
                               Coordinate p2)
Returns the angle in radians between 2 coordinates.

p1 - a location.
p2 - a location.
the angle in the direction from p1 to p2.
 o toRadian
 public static double toRadian(double Angle)
Converts degrees to radians.

Angle - an angle in degrees representation.
a radian representaion of Angle by the formula:Math.PI*Angle/180.
 o toAngle
 public static double toAngle(double radian)
Converts radians to degrees.

radian - an angle in radian representation.
a degrees representaion of radian by the formula:180*radian/Math.PI.
 o getStandartAngle
 public static double getStandartAngle(double angle)
Returns the corresponding argument value in the range 0-Math.PI*2

angle - the angle to convert.
the corresponding argument value in the range 0-Math.PI*2.
 o modulo
 public static double modulo(double arg,
                             double mod)
return the positive mod of an argument.

arg - the value argument.
mod - the modolus argument.
the positive argument of arg%mod.
 o drawJoint
 public static void drawJoint(Graphics g,
                              Point joint)
Draws a machine's joint.

g - Graphic object to draw on.
center - the center of the drawn joint.
 o drawAnchor
 public static void drawAnchor(Graphics g,
                               Point anchor)
Draws a machine's anchor.

g - Graphic object to draw on.
anchor - the center of the drawn joint.
 o polarToCartes
 public static Coordinate polarToCartes(Coordinate polar)
Converts polar coordinate to cartesian coordinate.

polar - a polar representation of the loction.
the cartesian representation of polar.

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