
About This Site

This web site is written as an Msc thesis of Dori Eldar, under the supervision of Dr. Dror Bar-Natan. The work is intended to introduce Topology to a wide range of audience. By the use of informal language and interactive Java Applets, material which may even be unfamiliar to the intermediate mathematician, is made accessible to the curious individual. The importance of this work lies not in the results conjectured but rather in the road taken; Sampling few assets of the web as a media between mathematicians and the regular community. Harnessing the simplicity of the Java language to visually interpret mathematical concepts and its wide accessibility to reach wide audiences.    

This work is in progress

This work is still in progress. You can send feedback to me at:dori.eldar@intel.com or to my instructor at:drorbn@math.huji.ac.il.

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