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Annual activity report: professorial-stream faculty
Faculty of Arts & Science
Period: 1 May 2009 to 30 April 2010
Dror Bar-Natan, Department of Mathematics
This is my "merit report", presented annually to my department (along with my CV), mostly to determine if I will be getting a pay raise, and how much.

Why make it public? So painful it is to write, I must try to sweeten the pill by adding to it some residual benefit. Hence it is also a "news report" presented annually in the open to the small number of people who might be interested in what I'm up to. The sectioning follows the standard Faculty of Arts & Science form, but with many parts suppressed.

A. Teaching

1. Courses Taught

(i) Undergraduate

(ii) Graduate

3. Course and Curriculum Development

(i) Development of a new course

(ii) New preparation of an existing course

(iii) New pedagogical methods introduced

All lectures in my MAT 1350HF Alegbraic Knot Theory class were videotaped and are available on the web, viewable using self-developed web-video software that allows for by-the-second wiki-style annotations of the video stream by me or by the students. See e.g. the first class.

4. Course and Curriculum Delivery/Management

(i) Ongoing innovative methods in specific courses

(ii) Course and program management

5. Other

B. Research Supervisions

(i) Undergraduate

(ii) New and Continuing Masters

(a) Primary supervisions
(b) Supervisory committee memberships

(iii) New and Continuing PhD

(a) Primary supervisions.
(b) Supervisory committee memberships
All of the above plus Trefor Bazett, Bruce Fontaine, Brendan McLellan, and Lucy Zhang.

(iv) Completed Graduate Theses/Degrees

(v) Research Associates/Postdoctoral Fellows/Professional Assistants

(v) Other

C. Scholarly Work in Progress

D. Scholarly Publications

1. Accepted (not yet published)

2. Published - refereed

3. Published - non-refereed

E. Contributions to Conferences

F. Invited Lectures

G. Patents, Disclosures, Other Professional Designs

H. Creative Professional Activities

I. Current Grants and Contracts

J. Honours

K. University Service

(i) Department

I am my department's graduate coordinator this year.

(ii) College

(iii) Faculty

I was a member of the Faculty of Arts and Science Conaught Committee.

(iv) University

(v) Other

L. External Professional Service

M. Outreach Service

I gave a presentation lecture in the Faculty of Arts and Science March Break Open House

N. Other
