Name Huan Vo
Office PG204
Mailing Address Room 6290
40 St. Geore Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5S 2E4
CV CV.pdf

About Me

What you see is what you get :)

I'm a Phd student in the Math department at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Prof Dror Bar-Natan.

My research area is quantum algebra, where I'm particularly interested in finite-type invariants of knotted objects, quantum invariants and knot homologies.

Publications and Preprints

"A fool who persists in his folly will become wise"

  1. Alexander Invariants of Tangles via Expansions. Phd thesis 2018. Draft, Version 1
  2. On Meta-Monoids and the Fox-Milnor Condition. October 2017. arXiv:1710.08993
  3. Proof of a Conjecture of Kulakova et al. Related to the sl_2 Weight System, with D. Bar-Natan. European Journal of Combinatorics 45 (2015) 65-70. arXiv:1401.0754.
  4. Braid Calculator, with Fedor Duzhin, Andrew Kricker, Terence Ng. Proceedings of URECA@NTU 2007-08. Report.


Sharing is empowering


Teaching is a good way to learn

For a snapshot of my teaching, see video

Instructor positions:

Teaching assistant positions:


May contain lots of mistakes, use at your own risk


Some Mathematica codes used in my papers

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