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Day 23 - May 17 - A Day in Dallas

"I've gotta ask: did you just roll out of bed into this art museum?"

Hi, and welcome back to my bike blog.

A Spazzed Summary of Dallas

Dallas is like Baton Rouge in terms of being a spread out car city, only less terrible, and there are trains! Also, there's an actual downtown, with walkable sidewalks. Dallas has a cool tram system, and I rode it all the way into town today with Preston. Though I didn't really do much in Dallas, and mainly spent the day with Preston, chatting about everything from last summer's gossip to this summer's plans. Everyone here knows my summer plans, his summer plans aren't mine to tell, and gossip is a controlled exit highway.

By the way, the train stations here have really cool bike racks!

We got downtown, passing through an apple store to get a case for my phone so that it hopefully outlives the previous one. I guess the strange thing about the mall we were at was that they had a fountain with ducks and turtles?

Preston and I were hungry, but also in the adventurous mood, so we walked around, through monuments and plaques, and noticed one mentioning that JFK was assasinated 200 feet away. I really should be sparing you the details, but just walking around, we found someone woke who was more than eager to tell us all about the second shooter, the magic bullet, the mob, the CIA, the bullet exit wound, and the whole story. He was, however, very clear that this was not the work of the illuminati, reptilians or the Russians, so I guess he's still got some to learn as well. During the whole story, he was consistently interrupted by some other "tour guide," and they would occasionally hurl insults at each other. I took a bunch of pictures to investigate things myself further, but the one thing everyone can agree on is that here was the spot that JFK was shot:

In this picture, you can see the building he was shot from (the one on the left), which is now a museum. I hope that I get a museum when I'm assassinated by the CIA.

Finally, Preston and I managed to slip off, and ate inside a train car inside an Italian restaurant.

I ended my stint in downtown Dallas with a visit to their art museum. It was free, and perfect for the time we had left. I even saw Sierpinski's carpet.

The rest of the museum was nice, though the large primitivism room with the indigenous statues made me really think a bit about the difference between Toronto and Dallas. You wouldn't see this in Toronto's art gallery, but rather in the general museum.

Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow!

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