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Day 0 - Nothing More to do but Ride

"Can't you just I/{0} like normal people. That way each negative is the number of days before the first day of the trip."

Hi, and welcome back to my bike blog.

I'm leaving in tomorrow, making today Day 0.

I need my sleep for tomorrow, so this post will be short, and not too deep. Today I packed my bags. I was helped by my epilogue post from the Boston bike ride last summer to figure out what to pack. It's mostly the same, only the panniers are bigger, so I have more room to move things around along the way. I also considered not bringing sandals, but I remembered how wonderful they are at the destination, and I had the space. I've got lots of space.


I also spent some time today playing some unpleasant what-ifs with my parents. For the sake of the worriers amongst my readers, I won't repeat these games, but suffice it to know that I'll be very safe, as I'll be buying a pistol to hide in my underwear in case I get dehydrated in a flash flood.

The Join-In Policy

One final, and maybe relevant piece of blog I should communicate before leaving is the join-in policy. It's very simple. Anyone is welcome to join, meet up, write a guest post on the blog, or offer up route alternatives at any time. My tent can fit two people, and I have some bike-repair tools, so if anyone sees that I'm near them, pull out that bike, and let's tour together!

Well, that's it for today. Tomorrow I'll be flying with two checked bags - a bike, and a duffel bag full of panniers. Wish me luck!

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