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June 1, 2020: A Garden

Over the last few weeks, the world has been hard, chaotic, and, frankyl, depressing. I'd like this garden blog to be a place where none of that is happening, and where you can relax and listen to me ramble about something I have absolutely no experience in.

Around ten days ago, I planted a garden in a patch of dirt. It's been growing steadily since then, but I'll leave those pictures for another post. Here's some pictures from then:

Maybe it was a birthday task, maybe it was a project to do while I was not biking this summer. Maybe I just wanted an excuse to be outside. In my garden, there are tomatoes (cherry and regular), peppers (spicy and sweet), cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, and garlic from last year. In terms of herbs, there is basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, chives, mint, parsely, and cilantro. Our neighbour is using the back area to grow some weed for the landlord.

Every plant has a personality, and every plant has a story. I'd like to spend this blog telling the story of each of the plants, and seeing where it ends. Together. In the meantime, here's a map of the garden:

I've already made plenty of mistakes, and I'm sure I'm bound to make more. But you know? It's my first time, and I'm just excited to have the space, time, and resources to do this project.

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