MAT 1196F - Representations of locally compact groups

Instructor: Fiona Murnaghan

Class times:

Monday 3:10-5, Bahen 1230; Wednesday 3:10-4, Bahen 1220

Main reference for the first part of the course: A. Robert, Introduction to the Representation Theory of Compact and Locally Compact Groups, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 80, 1983.

Monday Dec 2 : More on discrete series representations has been added, as well as a section on the philosophy of cusp forms. The section on Weyl's character formula will be updated soon.

Last class Dec 2 : Final comments about discrete series of semisimple Lie groups; Examples of discrete series representations of reductive p-adic groups; Construction of irreducible representations of finite groups of Lie type, real reductive Lie groups and reductive p-adic groups.

Course notes.

Comments on possible projects.