You need the following three files. Once you've downloaded them, go ahead and tex the *.tex file.

click here for a *.tex file.
click here for a *.ps file.
click here for a *.eps file.

more info on incorporating *.eps figures into LaTeX (And how to convert *.ps into *.eps)

If you want to see how to include PDF, PNG, JPEG, GIF you need the following two files. Once you've downloaded them, go ahead and "pdflatex" the *.tex file.
click here for a *.tex file.
click here for a *.pdf file.

If you want to make line drawings, xfig is a nice package. (Type "xfig" at the prompt to see if you have it installed.) This allows you to save the figures as *.ps and *.eps files.

To see how to use wrapfig, download the following two files and latex them.
click here for a *.tex file.
click here for an *.eps file.
As an added bonus, this LaTeX file has the margins set for the "free-form" format that NSERC requests.