Homework assigned 10/20, due 10/27

Section 4.1

Problems 2b, 4, 6, 10, 11

For problem #6, list the errors, rather than the roots.
Skip problem #10c.
For problem #11, also list the errors.

Section 4.2

Problems 4, 6, 10, 11, 13

For problem #4, first find the root by stopping when f(x_n) < tol. Then find the root by stopping when x_{n+1} - x_n < tol. Present both roots and both errors. Take x = 1 as your first guess.
For #6, try first guesses of -1, -1/2, and 0. If the iteration converges, say how many iterations it took. If it doesn't converge, say what happened. If there are any B for which none of those first guesses works, then find a first guess which does work.
For #10 and #11, find the true answer and find how close Newtons method got to the true answer. How many iterations did it take?

Section 4.3

Problems 6, 8

For #6, take x_0 = 1, x_1 = 2, tol = 1.e-15. Find the true answer and find how close the secant method got to the true answer. How many iterations did it take?
For #8c, give q_n for n=5,10,15,...40. Also give the relative error (q_n - r^(n+1)/sqrt(5))/q_n.