matlab *.m files to solve the heat equation.

If these programs strike you as slightly slow, they are. They would run more quickly if they were coded up in C or fortran. As matlab programs, would run more quickly if they were compiled using the matlab compiler and then run within matlab.

This solves the heat equation with explicit time-stepping, and finite-differences in space. The domain is [0,2pi] and the boundary conditions are periodic. heat1.m
A diary where heat1.m is used.

Demos from Class Jan 29
Here's the script that's testing out the healthy code for explicit Euler with Neumann boundary conditions.
Here's the script that's testing out the buggy code for explicit Euler with Neumann boundary conditions.
Here's the script that's testing out the code for explicit Euler with first-order correct implementation of Neumann boundary conditions.

Demos from Class Feb 7
Here's the script that's testing out the code for explicit Euler in 2-d with periodic boundary conditions.