Thesis Files




Each Chapter of the thesis comes from a published or submitted paper. Here are links to the papers from which the chapters come from. It may be more pleasant to look at the original papers since the thesis formatting requirements are bit more awkward than the original papers.

Chapter 1

Based on "Stabilization Time for a Type of Evolution on Binary Strings" published in Journal of Theoretical Probability (2015). Joint with Mike Noyes and Jacob Funk.

Chapter 2

Based on "Decorated Young Tableaux and the Poissonized Robinson-Schensted Process" published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2016).

Chapter 3

Based on "Intermediate Disorder Directed Polymers and the Multi-layer Extension of the Stochastic Heat Equation" published in Electronic Journal of Probability (2017). Joint with Ivan Corwin.
There is also a flow chart of all the definitions/lemmas/theorems in this paper available here.

Chapter 4

Based on "Intermediate Disorder Limits for Multi-layer Semi-discrete Directed Polymers". Submitted.
There is also a flow chart of all the definitions/lemmas/theorems in this paper available here.

See also this poster which has a summary of the main results of Chapters 3 and 4.


Slides for Oral Defense