Nonlinear and Geometric Analysis Day
Friday December 7, 2001, Toronto


Participants are suggested to arrange their own accommodations from the wide selection of downtown hotels, bed & breakfasts, dormitories and student residences listed on the Fields Institute Accommodations page. Special rates have been arranged at a number of Canadian Mathematical Society Conference Hotels. Additional listings may be found at The Toronto Bed & Breakfast Association and Bed & Breakfast Homes of Toronto. A few possibilities are mentioned below, but rates are not guaranteed.

Toronto Colony Hotel, 82 Chestnut Street, phone (416) 977-0707 or FAX (416) 977-1136 Site of the CMS Dec. 8-10 conference. Located at the St. Patrick's Subway Station, nightly rates from $149 + tax. (Special conference rate of $102 guaranteed until November 5)
Quality Hotel, 280 Bloor Street, phone (416) 968-0010 or FAX (416) 968-7765. Located at the St. George Subway Station, two blocks north of Department of Mathematics, 3 subway stops north of CMS meeting. Nightly rates from $110 + tax.
Days Inn, 30 Carlton Street, phone (416) 977-6655 or FAX (416) 977-2865. Located on the College Subway Station and streetcar line, one stop north of Toronto Colony Hotel. . Nightly rates from $109 + tax.

DORMITORIES (off-campus):
Tartu College, 310 Bloor St. W., phone (416) 925-9405, or FAX (416) 971-2244, or E-mail Located at the Spadina Subway Station (close to Math Dept., 4 subway stops north of CMS mtg.) Weekly rate from $160 + tax. Cash only. Discount with student ID.
Neill-Wycik College, 96 Gerrard St. E., (416) 977-2320 or (800) 268-4358, FAX (416) 977-2809, E-mail (unreliable) Located 2 blocks southeast of College Subway Station. Weekly rates from $209.17 incl. tax.
Residence College Hotel, 90 Gerrard St. W., phone (416) 351-1010, or FAX (416) 351-8583, or E-mail Located 1 block southwest of Queen's Park Subway Station (between Math Dept. and CMS meeting). Weekly rate from $325 + tax.

Room rates are subject to 4% Ontario provincial sales tax plus 7% GST (federal goods and services tax). Nonresidents of Canada may be entitled to claim a GST refund for accommodation and purchases by submitting the appropriate receipts at the time of departure from the country.

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Last modified: November 12, 2001