SOAR Spring 2003

When: Wednesdays from 5:10pm to 8pm (refreshments provided)

How long: For 13 weeks, starting March 5th

Where: Sidney Smith Hall Room 2120
100 St. George St, University of Toronto, St. George Campus

Cost: $250, to be paid in the first class by cheque or cash


The course is intended for students in Grades 10 and 11 (and possibly exceptional students in Grade 9) who are keen on mathematics. Problems will be given out, and it is expected that you at least think about them. The course is meant to be interesting and fun, not work.

If you are interested in it, you will need a letter of recommendation from one of your mathematics teachers. Ask them to send it to Professor Peter Garfield.

Family Name:
First Name:
Current Grade:
Email Address:
Recommending Teacher:


Why are you interested in this course?