University of Toronto

MAT425H1F/MAT1340HF: Differential Topology, Fall 2016-17

Instructor: Yael Karshon, BA6119, karshon[at] .

Course outline.

Current schedule:
  • No lecture nor office hour on Monday Nov.28/ Thursday Dec.1.
  • Wednesday 9-10am, BA6183: office hour with Jeremy Lane; must submit partial problem set.
  • Monday Dec.5th as usual: lecture 9-10 BA 6183, office hour 12-1 BA B025.
  • Wed Dec.7th (optional "makeup Monday"): MAYBE: 9-11am, BA6183.

    Problem set 1.
    Problem set 2.
    Problem set 3 (extended - was due on Oct.13th in class).
    Problem set 4.
    Problem set 5.
    Problem set 6 (extended - was due on Nov.10th in class).
    Problem set 7.
    Problem set 8. Due Wednesday Nov.30th.

    Please hand in your problem set even if you didn't complete it.
    We'll take 25 percent off for every day of lateness.

    As announced in class: you must submit p.set 8 on Nov.30th.
    But if you submit a partial version that shows serious work,
    then you have the option to submit a fuller version on Wednesday Dec.7th
    and only the fuller version will be marked.

    But don't let this intimidate you, this problem set shouldn't be harder than the others. Here are current hints.