Crowdmark: Lost Manual for Graders

All our class assignments (Exam, Tests and Quizzes) are graded using CrowdMark. What you should know to make grading as efficient as possible? By efficient I mean fair, fast and generating the least amount of appeals.

  1. You need to provide marks and comments. By Marks I understand ✔, ✖, ? (correct, wrong, questionable), sometimes free drawing (underline, encircle, arrows connecting Comments to corresponding places in solution, and cross-outs. Please do not be lazy and provide a lot of comments.
  2. Even if the Question got full mark, please place several so student will see that the question was graded thoroughly and will appreciate it, and less be inclined to launch an appeal for other questions. Also you may provide a useful Comment even if you awarded the full mark.
  3. On the other hand, Comment is almost mandatory if you reduced the awarded points. Please put in the last correct place and then either or ? and a comment in the place of the first error.
  4. Text Comments can contain mathematical snippets (placed between single a nd double dollar signs) as Crowdmark understand a limited LaTeX.
  5. Use \\\\ instead of \\
  6. Text comments understand some Markdown syntax: *Test*, **Test**, ~~Test~~ produce Test, Test, Test respectively, but _Test_ does not produce Test. You may escape * and _ (by backslash) if needed to display them literally.
  7. Text comments also understand Markdown description for links: [Math Department]( is equivalent to <a href="">Math Department</a> and produces Math Department.
  8. Text comments also understand Markdown description for external images: ![]( is equivalent to <img src=""></img> and produces corresponding image, but to work it must be secure connection https.
  9. You may simply drop the image on comment frame; however it will not work with svg images but the previous will
  10. Also Crowdmark understand usual html.
  11. Your comments are automatically saved to the Library and you need export it from there by dragging it when grading another booklet. In this case in the library will be a single comment with indication that it was used ... number of times. You can edit comments inside the library, then all instances of this comment will change!
  12. On the other hand, if you edit exported comment outside the library, it will create a new, different, comment in the library.
  13. Browsing comments inside the library is not perfect, if library is large you cannot see some comments.
  14. On the other hand, if you begin to type the comment which is in the library it may pop-out (but then it will be a new comment). You can also search for comments inside the library, edit them (without saving) and copy to paste into a new comment (but then it will be a new comment).
  15. You can include in Text different characters (not necessary ASCII), including emoji: 👍 👎