6 September - Made section 19 of the notes available. Sorry about that!

4 September - I've just uploaded the 19th section of my lecture notes and Big List, on the subject of compactifications, for any students who may be interested. Note that I'm planning on leaving the Piazza forum active if you still have questions about exercises, though I cannot guarantee fast responses at this time.

17 August - As I mentioned in an email announcement last week, I will be holding one more session of office hours, tomorrow (Monday) 1-3pm in the usual place (HU1018). As always, if you need to ask other questions, feel free to use Piazza. I will be checking it periodically today, and often on Tuesday and Wednesday.

8 August - Tutorial problems for this week's tutorial. Sorry they're a bit late! 16.1.8, 16.2.8, 16.2.9, 17.1.2, 18.13. Recall that for tomorrow's lecture I'm going to be teaching for about an hour and a half, after which all students will attend one tutorial until 3pm.

5 August - Quiz 4 took place in tutorials this past Friday. The quizzes and some sample solutions can be found on the Quizzes tab.

26 July - I have just posted all the remaining sections of the lecture notes and Big List. These will take us through the last two weeks of the course. Normally I would space out the posting of these a bit more, but since we're a little bit pressed for time right now, I'm happy to make them all available right now. Feel free to read ahead!

25 July - The final exam schedule has now been posted. You can see it here. Our exam is scheduled for Wednesday, 21 August, from 7pm to 10pm, in EX100.

24 July - Remember: We agreed to move Quiz 4 to next week. This week there is a regular tutorial. Problems to prepare for this week's tutorial: 14.1.15 and 14.2.11.

20 July - Section 14 of the lecture notes and Big List are now available.

17 July - Section 13 of the lecture notes and Big List are now available.

17 July - Tutorial problems for this week's tutorial: 11.1 and 12.10 (particularly the first two parts).

15 July - Quiz 3 took place in tutorials this past Friday. The quizzes and some sample solutions can be found on the Quizzes tab.

11 July - Section 12 of the lecture notes and Big List are now available.

9 July - Section 11 of the lecture notes and Big List are now available.

3 July - Tutorial problems for this week's tutorial: 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.15.

25 June - The tenth section of the lecture notes and Big List are now available.

19 June - I've added a new tab to the web page, on which I will post a short summary of which sections of my notes are covered in each lecture. This was suggested by a student (using the anonymous feedback form!) and I think it's a great idea. I'm also willing to post students' notes from lectures if they're interested. Read what I wrote on that page for more info about this.

18 June - The midterm test took place yesterday, Momday 17 June. You can find the test and some sample solutions on the newly-created Midterm tab on this site.

It was clear by the end of the test that I made the test a bit too long. I want to reassure you that I recognise this, and that it was definitely not my intention to make it too long. My apologies if the test was unpleasant experience. My promise from the beginning of the course was to try to make it fair, and by virtue of being too long, this test was not fair. Once it is marked and I have the data to work with, I will think of a way to adjust the grades to compensate for my mistake here.

In the meantime, rest assured that your final mark after adjustment will reflect your abilities as best as I can make it. In particular, please don't make any rash decisions about dropping the course until the marks are in. I hope the two-week break is relaxing for you all.

16 June - As mentioned in class last week, I'm going to be holding some bonus office hours tomorrow (Monday) before the midterm. They will be from 1-3pm least, possibly as long as 1-4pm. I won't have a chance to book my usual room (HU1018), so let's say that the office hours will be there unless someone else is using that room, in which case we'll move out to the 10th floor lounge.

13 June - The problems for tomorrow's tutorial are: 8.7, 9.1, 9.4, and 9.7. I double-checked them this time!

12 June - The midterm's date, time, and location have been finalized. It will take place 6-8p on Monday 17 June, in BA1180. If you have any conflicts with this time, please let me know as soon as possible and we will work out some sort of accommodation (most likely an earlier sitting on the same day). Apologies for the delay in finalizing this information.

10 June - The time and date of the midterm has been finalized for 6-8pm on Monday, 17 June. Note that this is different from the original date I had hoped for. I explained in class this past Friday why I was unable to book it for Tuesday the 18th, and we agreed on this alternative time and date. The location is still to be determined, pending room booking. I'll update this page, and send a coursewide announcement, as soon as I have finalized the location. (I'll also update the syllabus to reflect the new date later today.)

10 June - Section 9 of the Big List and lecure notes are now available. These will be the last sections posted before the midterm. I've also posted a supplementary note on products of ccc spaces for any students who may be interested. These notes rely on concepts we haven't defined yet, so feel free to research those concepts ahead of time or simply wait until we have covered them.

7 June - Quiz 2 took place in tutorials this afternoon. The quizzes and some sample solutions can be found on the Quizzes tab.

4 June - Sections 7 and 8 and of the lecture notes and Big List are now available.

31 May - A small error was made in the grading of Problem 4(a) on Quiz 1. Please see the announcement I just posted on Quercus for details. If this error seems to have been made in your case, please show your quiz to Ivan at some point during the coming week. Apologies to any students who were affected.

29 May - A supplementary set of notes on nets and filters is now available in the Resources section. This is not required reading, but any student interested in how we can use nets (and/or filters) in place of sequences should read them for some elaboration on that topic.

28 May - Section 6 of the lecture notes and Big List are now available.

27 May - After the first tutorial, some students suggested I post the tutorial problems in advance, so students can have a chance to work on them before tutorial. That's a great idea. For this week, work on the following Big List problems before tutorial: 4.8, 4.13, 5.8, 5.12, 5.13.

27 May - There was a typo in the solution to problem 1(a) on T0101's Quiz 1. (The closure of the set A in the ray topology should have been (-\infty, 0].) I have just corrected it.

24 May - Quiz 1 took place in tutorials this afternoon. The quizzes and some sample solutions can be found on the Quizzes tab.

21 May - Section 5 of the lecture notes and Big List are now available. (I forgot to make a note here when I posted section 4.) I've also added a Quizzes tab, on which you can find the coverage of the first quiz, which will be written in tutorials this week. Once it is written, the quizzes and solutions will be posted here.

16 May - Section 3 of the lecture notes and Big List are now available. Also, don't forget that the first tutorials are on Friday of this week.

14 May - I've just created an anonymous feedback form, linked on the Resources tab. You can use it to anonymously give me feedback about any aspect of the course.

14 May - The department hasn't gotten back to me about my room booking for office hours. For tomorrow (Wednesday) we will try to have office hours at the time and location we planned: 4-5pm in HU1018. If the room is occupied, we'll figure something else out. Also, section 3 of the lecture notes and Big List are now available.

6 May - Welcome to the beginning of the term. The syllabus is now available on the Course Info tab. The first two sections of the lecture notes and the Big List of Problems are available on the Resources tab. Our Piazza forum is now live. Please sign up here and go to this link to access the forum. Our first lecture is on Wednesday! See you then!

23 Apr - To any students already enrolled in this summer's course: Please note that there is no required textbook. I teach from my own notes, which you will find the beginnings of in the Resources tab. In particular, you are not required to purchase Munkres' Topology (though it may be a useful reference).

21 Apr - Website is live!