Welcome to firefox

If this is the first time you are running the firefox web brower on coxeter, or if you would like to have our default configuration for web browsing, which includes using the standard homepage (http://www.math.toronto.edu) and having standard helper applications (such as using acroread for pdf files), then quit this firefox session and type configure_firefox at the coxeter prompt. The next time you run firefox you will have the standard system configuration.

If you want to change any firefox preferences (such as "Privacy" or "Security") select the "Preferences..." item from the "Edit" menu. In particular under the "Advanced" preference you can select the "Network" tab to see information about your "Cache" or to clear it (to reclaim disk space if you are going over quota, for example). Also from that page you can set your Cache size. Setting the size to 1 MB is enough for many people, but if you have extra room in your quota you can make this larger.