Dror Bar-Natan: Classes: 2002-03: Math 157 - Analysis I: (272) Next: Sacha Kapoor's Solution of Homework Assignment 25
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Homework Assignment 25

Assigned Tuesday April 1; due Friday April 11, 2PM at SS 1071

this document in PDF: HW25.pdf

``God created the integers, all else is the work of man.''

(Leopold Kronecker, 1823-1891)

Required reading. All of Spivak Chapters 25 and 26 and the web-only handout ``What Went Wrong with Term Exam 4?''.

To be handed in. Problems 1-3 (even parts) and 9 of Spivak's Chapter 25.

Recommended for extra practice. Problems 1-3 (odd parts), 4 and 10 of Spivak's Chapter 25 and problem 5 of Spivak's Chapter 26.

Just for fun. Check that for any complex number $ z$,

$\displaystyle z^2=\frac{1}{\frac{1}{z-\frac12}-\frac{1}{z+\frac12}}+\frac14, $

play with my former student's Dori Eldar's Squaring Machine and read his ``Linkages as Functions'' page to understand how the two parts of this question are related.

Eldar's Squaring Machine

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Dror Bar-Natan 2003-03-31