Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Arts and Science

University of Toronto

APM346 Partial Differential Equations

Spring of 2021

It is a temporary page (until Quercus is available to instructors) At the moment I cannot access even my own section.

Lecture Sections

All lectures will be delivered online, mainly as a slideshow with voice over. At least one of the sections (LEC 5101) will be recorded and both video and pdf-slides will be available online.

Important note: During most weeks the last 20 min of the last lecture of the week will be devoted to online Quizzes. Please make sure that you have no other commitments for this time (last 5 min for upload):

Tutorial Sections

Important note: I strongly recommend students to enrol into Tutorial Sections and to make sure that you have no other commitments during this time.

Class Coordinator
(Victor Ivrii)