Table of Contents

  1. Job Listings for Mathematicians Open Today!
    1. Academic jobs are often advertised on
    2. Hanes Brands Job
    3. Logistics Optimization
    4. Data Mining for Warner Brothers
  2. Highlights from 2010 SIAM report
    1. Where do (non-academic) mathematicians work?
    2. Area of Manager’s degree
    3. Application areas for Industrial Mathematics
    4. Mathematics Success Stories
    5. Industrial Mathematics research is interdisciplinary
    6. Formulating problems and finding solutions
    7. Communication and teamwork
    8. How mathematicians are viewed within Industry
    9. Why hire mathematicians?
    10. What are the shortcomings of mathematicians?
    11. How can mathematicians improve in industry?
  3. Some Web Search Highlights
    1. Math in Industry Article
    2. Linear Algebra and Google
    3. SIAM: Careers in Mathematics Brochure
    4. USA BLS on Mathematicians
    5. O*Net on Mathematicians
    6. Sloan Career Cornerstone: Math
    7. Profiles of Mathematicians in Industry
  4. More online Resources
    1. Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop
    2. Maths in Industry
    3. First Industrial Academic Forums hosted by the Fields Institute
    4. How I Became a Quant Seminar
    5. Center for Mathematical Medicine

2010-11-21 James Colliander; Math and Industry Notes

Job Listings for Mathematicians Open Today! ↩

Academic jobs are often advertised on ↩

Hanes Brands Job ↩



Logistics Optimization ↩


Logistics Optimization


Data Mining for Warner Brothers ↩


TimeWarner Data Mining

Oceans 11

Daffy and Bugs

Highlights from 2010 SIAM report ↩


Where do (non-academic) mathematicians work?  
Area of Manager’s degree  
Application areas for Industrial Mathematics  
Mathematics Success Stories  
Industrial Mathematics research is interdisciplinary  
Formulating problems and finding solutions  
Communication and teamwork  
How mathematicians are viewed within Industry  
Why hire mathematicians?  
What are the shortcomings of mathematicians?  
How can mathematicians improve in industry?  

Where do (non-academic) mathematicians work? ↩


Area of Manager’s degree ↩


Application areas for Industrial Mathematics ↩


Mathematics Success Stories ↩



Industrial Mathematics research is interdisciplinary ↩




Formulating problems and finding solutions ↩

In the life of a nonacademic mathematician, two themes not traditionally associated with core academic mathematics emerged clearly from our surveys, site visits, and discussions:

The first of these themes was emphasized repeatedly during our site visits. Industrial problems are almost never stated in mathematical form when first presented to a nonacademic mathematician; and even if they are posed initially in mathematical terms, alternative formulations may eventually turn out to be preferable. Consequently, successful nonacademic work demands the ability to understand problems couched in terminology from another field, and to discern and analyze the important underlying mathematical structures and questions.

For a nonacademic mathematician, “solving” a problem usually does not mean a tidy theorem or counterexample, or even one-shot numerical results. Industrial problems typically evolve over time, as inadequacies in the original model are revealed or data and assumptions become more precise. Once a mathematician successfully obtains a theoretical or numerical solution to an initial, possibly simplified problem, he or she is frequently asked to analyze and solve an extended, sometimes fundamentally different, problem. In other cases, mathematicians can show that a particular mathematical formulation is flawed, but this does not dispose of the original, larger problem that remains to be solved. Arriving at the best formulation of a problem—realistic, yet mathematically reasonable—is an inherently interactive and complicated process.

It is essentially never the case that someone comes in and says “Here is an equation; please solve it”, and then that’s the end of the story. The mathematics presented in the first discussion is usually the tip of the iceberg.

In addition to dealing with shifting problem formulations, industrial mathematicians are expected to provide “answers” even when no rigorous solution can be found. Timely, useful results, albeit incomplete, are often of critical importance, especially during the process of problem formulation. In some instances, it is more productive to expose quickly a potentially defective formulation than to work out a lengthy complete solution.

Communication and teamwork ↩

Section 3.1–Section 3.4 have stressed that mathematicians in industry are not solving problems solely for themselves and other mathematicians: they must actively collaborate with colleagues and managers who are not mathematicians, and they must be able to justify the value of their work to their organization.

It is almost never possible for a nonacademic mathematician to work in isolation and communicate only with specialists in a narrow area. Successful industrial mathematicians accordingly require a high degree of communication skills in several forms—speaking, writing, and listening—and at several levels. Technical and business interactions often continue over a long period of time, so that clear exchanges of information and ideas are crucial.

The importance of communication skills is emphasized equally strongly in other, more general studies such as [IRI91, NRC-Grad, Natr89].

How mathematicians are viewed within Industry ↩

As a final element in our examination of the working environment for industrial mathematicians, we asked site visit participants and managers in the telephone survey about two issues: Why are mathematicians valued? What are their perceived strong and weak points? There was a high degree of consistency in the answers to these questions, particularly to the first.

Numerous site visit participants articulated, sometimes in almost identical words, two main reasons that industrial mathematicians are valued:

As indicated in Section 2 and Section 3.4, problems in industrial mathematics can arise from anywhere, most often in poorly defined and evolving forms. Mathematicians are valued because they can see and understand the inner nature of a problem; determine which features matter and which do not; and develop a mathematical representation that conveys the essence of the problem and can be solved numerically.

The key idea is not that mathematicians are ignorant of details, but that their training equips them to deal with problems at an abstract, system-wide level, independently of commitments to a particular approach or technology.

An example of these abilities was described during a site visit: mathematicians were modeling a production plant running below design capacity and began asking for data about aspects of the plant operation. Their systematic questions highlighted the root of the problem before a model was even assembled. Details that we heard of the stories sketched in Section 2.2 illustrate the crucial “edge” provided by mathematical insights and techniques.

A distinction between Ph.D.’s and master’s graduates frequently mentioned during site visits was that master’s graduates are willing to “look under the hood”; that they are more flexible, especially with an undergraduate degree in a second discipline; and that they are willing to approach any problem. On the other hand, a Ph.D. is seen as bringing a deeper understanding of how to solve difficult problems.

Why hire mathematicians? ↩

Managers interviewed by telephone were asked about the reasons for hiring mathematicians. The most frequent specific answers given for hiring Ph.D.’s and master’s graduates are grouped and summarized next, with percentage of respondents shown in parentheses.

What are the shortcomings of mathematicians? ↩

We also asked managers about what they believed to be shortcomings or limitations of mathematicians. The responses confirmed certain common images—in some instances, full-blown negative stereotypes—of mathematicians. According to site visit participants, these views are based mainly on their encounters with mathematicians who did not understand a nonacademic environment.

How can mathematicians improve in industry? ↩

Managers in the telephone survey were asked to name areas in which mathematicians could improve; the most frequent responses are shown with the percentage of respondents in parentheses.

In what areas could industrial mathematicians be improved?

In the context of describing opportunities for mathematicians, several site visit participants commented that mathematicians sometimes do not make the best possible case for either their discipline or themselves. For example, one manager observed that mathematicians who seek or already occupy nonacademic positions do not often play to what she sees as their strongest point: their background provides the ability to “see into application areas” and thus be major contributors in strongly interdisciplinary work. A manager at a different site urged mathematicians to “take advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of mathematics. Exploit it or lose”. And a third manager was genuinely perplexed at the “apparent unwillingness of mathematicians to assume their rightful role in the science landscape.”

Some Web Search Highlights ↩


How can mathematicians improve in industry?  
Some Web Search Highlights  
Math in Industry Article  
Linear Algebra and Google  
SIAM: Careers in Mathematics Brochure  
USA BLS on Mathematicians  
O*Net on Mathematicians  
Sloan Career Cornerstone: Math  
Profiles of Mathematicians in Industry  

Math in Industry Article ↩

Linear Algebra and Google ↩

SIAM: Careers in Mathematics Brochure ↩

USA BLS on Mathematicians ↩

USA BLS on Job Growth

O*Net on Mathematicians ↩

Sloan Career Cornerstone: Math ↩

Profiles of Mathematicians in Industry ↩

More online Resources ↩

(Thanks to Richard Cerezo for some of these links.)

Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop ↩

Maths in Industry ↩

First Industrial Academic Forums hosted by the Fields Institute ↩

How I Became a Quant Seminar ↩

Center for Mathematical Medicine ↩