COMMENTS TO ASSIGNMENT 9 PROBLEM 2 Hint: Egoroff's theorem. PROBLEM 3 Remark: This is a special case of the Strong Law of Large Numbers --- think of x as the result of picking its decimal digits "independently, uniformly at random" from the set {0, ..., 9}. The value 0.1 represents the average frequency at which "7" appears in such a sequence. So, if the limit exists and is constant, that's what its value must be. PROBLEM 4 I forgot to state the assumption that the random variables X_i are independent. You may use that independence is equivalent to the property E ( \prod g_i(X_i) ) = \prod E( g_i(X_i) ) for every finite collection of functions g_i such that the composition g_i(X_i) is integrable. Gratuitous remark: Kolmogorov's criterion can be used to provide another solution of Problem 6 in Assignment 5, as follows. For x in [0,1], let x_n be the n-th binary digit of x, similar to Problem 3 above (but with the binary in place of the decimal expansion). The series g(x) = \sum_n (\Chi_{x_n=1} - \Chi_{x_n=0}) / n converges pointwise for almost every x. On the other hand, \sum 1/n diverges. Combining these two facts, one can show that g is unbounded above and below on every interval. Moreover, for each real number t, the level set A_t = { x : g(x)>t } defines a subset of (0,1) that intersects every subinterval of positive length in subset of positive, but not full measure. PROBLEM 5 For the first part, note that f * \phi = \phi * f (by changing variables y -> x-y). Use Dominated Convergence on the differential quotient. For the limit in the second part, approximate f with really simple functions. PROBLEM 6 (a) Hint: First consider f(0), f(1), f(n), and f(m/n), where m and n are natural numbers. What can you say if f is continuous? Next, convolve e^{if} with a smooth nonnegative function of compact support. The convolution is smooth (and not identically zero) ! (b) Consider R (the reals) as a vector space over Q (the field of rationals).