COMMENTS TO ASSIGNMENT 5 PROBLEM 2 Correction: The conclusion is that f is nonnegative _almost everywhere_ (note that changing f on a set of measure zero has no effect on the assumption.) PROBLEM 3 Hint: Given a Cauchy sequence (A_n), extract a "fast" Cauchy subsequence and show that it converges to A = limsup A_n. Estimate separately m(A_n\A) and m(A\A_n), using continuity from above and below. Don't forget to check convergence of the entire sequence ! Correction: I should have included the definition of the symmetric difference: A "triangle" B = A\B union B\A PROBLEM 4 Correction: Assume that the set E is non-empty. PROBLEM 5 Note, in contrast, that the composition of Borel measurable functions is Borel measurable. Therefore the set B you constructed cannot be a Borel set. PROBLEM 6 Hint: Every interval contains Cantor-type sets of positive measure. Use this to construct a pair of disjoint sets A, B that both meet each non-empty open subinterval I of [0,1] in a set of positive measure. There are many ways to proceed. You could, for example, argue that it suffices to consider intervals I with rational endpoints. Useful fact: A finite union of Cantor sets is again totally disconnected, compact, and nowhere dense. Hence its complement is dense in any interval (and consists of open intervals).