COMMENTS TO ASSIGNMENT 2 PROBLEM 1 Hint: Subdivide and conquer. (Notice that the definition of \delta_a has been added.) Gratuitous question: What if \mu is only finitely additive? PROBLEM 2 Use the Cauchy criterion. PROBLEM 3 (a) Induction over n will work. Note that the sum runs over all non-empty subsets of {1, ..., n}. (There is a slicker argument that uses indicator functions.) (b) Let A_i = { permutations in S_n that fix i } and include-exclude. Small comment on notation: I am thinking of a permutation \pi as a map from {1, ..., n} to itself. If you visualize the permutation as a string of n numbers, then \pi(i) is the i-th one. PROBLEM 4 Consider the collection C of sets in the plane whose cross section at a given height y is Borel. (What can you say about the cross section A(y) if A is an open set? A picture may help ...) PROBLEM 5 Hint: Write Lambda' as a union of finite sets. PROBLEM 6 The difficulty is that the collection C may be uncountable. But note that the union (as a subset of the real line) is separable, i.e., it contains a countable dense subset S = { x_n, n=1,2, ... }. Use this to replace C by a (countable) sequence.