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From: "Cheryl L. Cadieux" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 15:35:58 PDT
Message-id: <>

Stell had a typo on the first report, the entry fee was $45.00, including two wonderful days of Scrabble, a free lunch and a free buffet breakfast. (the Direktor is STILL going to jamaica though, and I definitely think that we should check that out!)

Claudia Finn showed up after not playing in a tourney for 10 years. I asked her, "what have you been doing??" she said "Ohhh ..I've been busy".. I said for TEN YEARS???"

Erica Norris said to me at the beginning of our game..."when your Scrabble rack coordinates with the scoresheets, I take that as an omen" The scoresheet was blue and Stell had one of her blue painted wooden racks. Never mind that her shoes were also blue, her blouse, her jeans, her eyes...ohhh no...sorry..I got carried away there...hazel eyes....yes they're hazel... I did win the game by the way, and proceeded to make sure that I used my coordinating rack wherever I went. At one time Walter K. was using MY pretty blue rack, and I made him dump his tiles and put it on another rack.. How tacky Stell..T A C K Y..

Stell did get one personal ad:

Baby Boomer SWF Scrabble player with potential to bingo, but whose Samtimer reads: 0:01 seeks a matrimonial relationship with man who doesn't play blanks: must want vowels..

All replies strictly confidential...send your $25.00 here with the ad for the Scrabble Soulmate of your dreams...

Bruce Berry declared that it was time for him to move to Wyoming, they don't play Scrabble there...

Marty Marcus said to the Bizman (Jim Peters) as he was drawing his tiles, "please look away when you draw"... Jim's comment to himself was "how can anybody draw this badly looking INTO the bag???

Jerome Boyd wants to know if there is a Chutzpah award being given out after his opponent played the bingo "unwidens" on him.

My opponent played the bingo PELTING, opening up the triple row. Stell thought about it for awhile, and decided that she had seen peltings in the book...(relying on her photographic memory of course).. I only have one vowel, so I play peltings and yarns....she of course challenges it after thinking about it for quite a while. Jacque rules "the play is NOT acceptable"..I of course call for a 2nd opinion...Flossie comes over ..looks the word up and whispers in my ear "GARBAGE"..we all started to laugh.. I immediately wanted to call the director's association on her and have her Scrab DIREKTOR's license revoked.. How rude!!

Kevin Lucas picks up his opponents scorecard and announces "YOU LOST YOUR FIRST FOUR???" His opponent, Diane Thomas says "CAN YOU SAY THAT A LITTLE LOUDER??"

Carol after losing her game to me, "well at least I have a WONDERFUL husband"... Is she speaking about ravi??? Also known as the Scrabble groupie..

Jean Carol had a problem with one of her end games.. Seems her opponent added an s to a word like Yon, or something like that..(WAY more stupid than my peltings) and by the time she saw it, he already had the tiles in his hand. She called the director. He had not seen the tiles, his hand was OUT of the bag, but the tiles were still clutched in his hand. The director ruled that she COULD still challenge. Hmmm I thought once the tiles were out of the dice.. any comment you direktors out there?? ? Anyway, then they had to do a recount, which took forever, and they found several errors. BUT she neglected to check her final word and she had misadded by 10 points. Connie tried to tell her after the sheets were turned in, that she could still change the score, that it stated so in the rules, as long as both players agreed. It would not change the outcome of the game but it could change her cume. She would have won the game if she would have caught it. Bob Detore said that she is a great Scrabble player but that she needs to learn to count better! It also cost her in money too, as she would have come in 3rd instead of 4th.

Mary Ellen Raleigh, Flint, Michigan Scrabble director had this quote..."He had the Q, J, X, Z, both blanks and all 4 esses's....WHY DID I LOSE????

When I first asked her for a quote, she said "I came all the way to OHIA to play YOU?? I said "I need a different quote, you said that one in the Cincy report, she said "BUT..I still feel the same way!!"...

Marcia Wade laments that she belongs in the B group, after she had ? s t on her rack after playing off, reached in the bag and left herself with 6 tiles..she had neglected to check to see how many tiles remained..

The Bizman claims to have found his long lost brother of 18 years who is now a millionaire...Stell moved closer, kind of leaned on the Bizman, and said " ya been??" as she smiled sweetly... and innocently asked.."AND WHAT CITY does he live in now????"

Stell found out that the State beverage of OHIA is none other than tomato juice...(hmmm.. Stell prefers a stalk of celery and a little vodka with that!) IF I DRANK, that is....

That reminds me of a joke...What is the difference between a dog and a fox?? about 5 drinks....

(There will be a short part three, as with Hotmail, your e-mail can only be soooo long)...

Quote of the day...

It was all so different before everything changed...

As Always Tell It Like It Is Stella

As Always Tell It Like It IS Stellllaaa

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