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From: (Randy Greenspan)
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 21:56:57 -0600 (CST)
Subject: the routine
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the following items are what i always take to every tourney i attend and their subsequent usage 1 my bag that holds everything else i will mention. its from 1994 a sturdy bag no holes. nothing should drop out from the bottom or sides. ill probably use it until theres a gaping hole where my franklin might be in jeopardy

2 my board   i prefer to play on it not because its mine, i happen to 
think its nicer looking than most. the now contraband wood is thinly cut making it easier to maneuver. im lucky if i play 8 games out of 12 with it. if my opponent wants theirs, i have no problem 3 my protiles ill pick a set which i havent used in a while, so the color will look fresh. in almost all cases the board and tiles are used together. 4 my clock the samtimer clock of choice. i will be assured of using a samtimer every game even tho it may not be mine 5 2 racks the good old wooden ones. no elongated,raised,personalized,nonskid and esp. not plastic. plastic gives the game an aura of chintz somehow. at tourneys end i may have 3 racks or 1. they come and go. i have racks that say merrill,rita,joel horn,lipton. if id remember to ever actually give their racks back, i would be quite surprised if any of them would say jeez so YOU took it. ive been searching all over the damn place for it 6 franklin i rarely use it during a tourney its nice to have it just in case i HAVE to see what i missed immediately 7 the dic when i look up a word itll be the closest dic i see, not mine. no one minds if you use their dic, but i always precede it by saying can i borrow your dictionary for a sec, tx 8 3 good pens rubberbanded together. i always end up using the one in my pants pocket-gotta have backup ink
9 clipboard   i use the one i found 5 years. its sturdy and white. i 
found it in a building that seemed to be unoccupied. i didnt have one at the time and it seemed to call out just take me, nobodys here anyway for gosh sakes. 10 enough paper for at least 25 games for a 12 game event. i make up the tracking sheet before each game on the left side of the paper,on the right side i keep score. my name is first even if i go second
11 my cushion   my pink cushion which my wife bought for me-makes any 
seat comfier. the chairs always seem too low or maybe the table is too high. it gives me a better overview of the board physically and psychologically, also i dont want to have to think too hard if my tush should be uncomfortable,which many seats can cause
   just felt like tellin ya           randy greenspan/panchax