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Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 02:42:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Some Maven stuff
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Here are the results of two 1-move sims, 5000 iterations each, on the OFT play:

OFT     42.6  42.4
LOFTY   38.1  38.3
FEOD    36.9  36.0
DEFT    35.6  35.2
FLYTED  34.3  33.5
EFT     33.7   --
FEODS   32.2  31.3
DEFTLY  31.6  30.9
DELFT   31.6  30.8
LEFTY   31.5   --

I also did ten separate 1-move simulations of 2500 iterations each of DEFIOSY as an opening rack. This might help those who want to gauge how stable these simulations are.

FOY   38.6 38.3 38.5 38.9 38.2 39.3 38.9 38.5 38.7 39.7
EDIFY 38.8 39.2 39.3 40.2 39.0 39.7 38.4 38.3 39.3 39.6

FOY's results varied by as much as 1.5 and EDIFY's by as much as 1.9. In general, when one move was higher or lower than usual, so was the other. The comparative result varied by as much as 1.8 (from FOY by .5 to EDIFY by 1.3).

Of course, the fact that sims stabilize to whatever degree at whatever number of iterations does not mean that they are the final representation of the true value of a play in any given position.

Use this information at your own risk, and ignore it at your own peril. (If you want real answers, take up chess.) :-)

Thanks to Robert Felt for some related input on this matter.

All the best,

Jim Kramer